Girls Just Want to Have Fun Chapter 7: Try

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All I know

Is everything is not as it's sold

but the more I grow the less I know

And I have lived so many lives

Though I'm not old

And the more I see, the less I grow

The fewer the seeds the more I sow

Then I see you standing there

Wanting more from me

And all I can do is try

Then I see you standing there

Wanting more from me

And all I can do is try-

Try- NellyFurtado

Bella's POV:

"So Bella what do you want to do now?" Jake asked, as my heart began to beat rapidly. I was nervous about spending the night near Jake, but I was still worried about Edward. I loved him so much; I just hoped somehow everything would work out. I sighed. I knew this would be a long night.

What did I want to do? That was a big question which could have many answers but in my head all I could think of was one. Although Jake was a beautiful man whose body shined like gold, the only man I loved and would only love was Edward. Yes it was true Jake and I could be more intimate but was intimacy worth risking the love of my life for? Maybe I was the one being too hard on Edward, I mean I didn't know what it was like to be a vampire and it must be tough knowing at any minute you could hurt the person you love the most. Maybe I was the one being too hard on him. Yes I wanted to be intimate with Edward but I could wait forever for him because he was worth the wait. Perhaps the fun games with Jake had to end because it wasn't doing our relationship any good; in fact it was making it much worse. All of a sudden I felt as though I had been punched in the gut as I realized how selfish I was being. I told Edward I loved him for who he was but making him do something he didn't want to, wasn't loving him for him. I wanted Edward and if I had to wait for him I would. So what did I want to do tonight? I wanted to be with Edward.

"Hey Bella, earth to Bella are you okay?" I heard Jake asked.

I shook my head, I forgot I was with Jake and blushed knowing that I had spaced out.

"Sorry Jake, I guess I spaced out." I said still feeling my cheeks burning with embarrassment.

"That's okay Bella, where did you go just now?" Jake asked.

"I was just thinking..." I said.

"Thinking about Edward right?" Jake said.

I shook my head.

"Jake I don't want to play games anymore with him, it is making everything worse. I shouldn't force him to be intimate with him, especially when it is so hard for him to be close to me. So I don't want you to mention this at all to Edward." I said.

"You know I love you Bella but I am not done playing games with Edward. Besides he probably knows you are here anyways. Don't worry Bella you will thank me. Once Edward thinks we slept together, he will become jealous and you will get what you want." Jake said smiling.

"Jake, I'm serious I don't need your help anymore, I am willing to wait for Edward." I said trying to deter Jake away from his crazy games and ideas. Who knew what Edward would do if Jake told him we spent the night together. Yes he would be jealous but he would erupt like an earthquake.

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