Girls Just Want to Have Fun Chapter 4: Collect Call

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If the fire's out baby

How you gonna keep me warm?

Supposing you left me

With the door wide open no one can leave

I know it's a lie, I want it to be true

The rest of the ride is riding on you

Over goodbyes we'll buy some place for

Wishing you could keep me closer, I'm a lazy dancer

When you move I move with you

Wishing you could keep me closer, I'm a lazy dancer

When you move I move with you

If somebody's got soul

If somebody's got soul

If somebody's got soul

You gotta make the move, make the move

- Collect Call- Metric

Bella's POV:

"Oh no, I think the cold one is mad." Jacob said sarcastically as he smiled at me. Then he turned his body so he was facing me and kissed me on my cheek. Although I knew we were just making Edward jealous, I wasn't expecting the kiss and it took me by surprise.

All of a sudden the school bell rung as it echoed throughout the parking lot. I got off the bike and started to walk towards Edward who was standing a couple feet away. He was mad. Very mad. His forehead was creased and his eyes looked like small little slits. His hands were clenched in tight, round, fierce fists. Even though I hated seeing Edward mad, it was clearly evident that Alice's plan was actually working and it hadn't actually started yet.

"So I'll see you after school Bella, bye!" Jake said as he took off on his motorbike.

He would see me afterschool? We didn't talk about any after school plans, but as I saw Edward's face fill with more rage and jealousy, I realized Jacob was going to do anything he could to make the guy he hated as jealous as possible. Wow Jacob was more into this then I was.

"What why was Jacob here? Why were you on his motorbike and what are you doing with him tonight?" Edward asked his eyes still glaring and his teeth clenched.

"Why hello to you too Edward, "I said as I began walking to class.

"I'm serious Bella, answer my questions." Edward said as he blocked me from entering Forks High School.

Wow, I knew Edward would get jealous but I didn't think this much especially when I hadn't even done anything Alice had instructed me to do.

Now Edward was standing right in front of me. I looked into his eyes and watched as his hair danced in the wind. Oh how I wanted to run my hands right though his lion's mane. I stared into his face and I truly desired to kiss all along his chiseled, cheeks. Oh how I wanted him so bad.

"I'm sorry Bella that was rude of me; I hope you will forgive me especially for what happened the other day. I hope you know how much I love you and would die if something were to happen to you. I hope you didn't think I left you; I just needed time to myself so I could figure out a way to protect you and always keep you safe. I missed you so much." Edward said as the rage exited his face and instead love appeared. His eyes filled with sorrow. Then he came closer and placed a brown stray of my hair over around my ear.

"Wow you look so beautiful today Bella." Edward said.

His voluptuous voice and that fascination face was too much to take. I just wanted him. I wanted to be with him. I felt like I was in a trance, and ignoring Edward's words I leaned up on my tippy toes and kissed Edward hard. I wrapped my arms around him and asked his tongue to come out and play, but it didn't.

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