Girls Just Want to Have Fun Chapter 10: Scratch

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Take a little moment to relieve all your tension

Lose yourself to somebody else

Your mind's the creator and your body's the extension

Give me that

I'll give it back- Scratch BeachGirls5

Bella's POV:

Ever since I had that amazing, sexual experience with Edward at the Funky Munky, our sex lives had improved drastically. Every chance we could, we would have sex. Although our sexual relationship had improved, I was still worried he would eventually change his mind and stop being intimate with me. So I had decided I would finally wear my lingerie and show Edward just how lucky he was to have me. I had by bag where my lingerie was tucked away, on the seat next to me and as I was driving to Edward's.  I was beginning to feel worried and embarrassed that he wouldn't like me or might think I was coming on too strong. But now that we were experimenting with our sex lives, I wanted to show him that it could always be fun and enjoyable. As soon as I exited my truck Alice greeted me.

"I just had a vision and what can I say, Edward is going to have a night he will never forget. Oh and I don't think I need to remind you again, but you guys will have the house to yourselves, the rest of us are going hunting." Alice said winking at me as I blushed.

"Thanks Alice, for everything. You remember the plan right?" I asked. A couple days ago Alice had a vision of Edward and I having an amazing sex and I had an idea. Well it was more like Alice's idea. She said guys love surprises, so I wanted Alice to phone at a certain time in the evening so I could change therefore surprising Edward with my new lingerie.

"Anytime Bella, even though I am a vampire, I know us girls always want to have fun." She said as the rest of the Cullen's exited their house.

"Don't have too much fun while we are away." Emmett said winking at me, as I blushed again. Ever since the night at Funky Munky, the whole Cullen crew started to make sexual jokes around Edward and I. Obviously they knew what Edward and I had done and I couldn't blame them because when we arrived upstairs, the vampires could smell our desires and lust. It didn't take long to figure out what had happened. So when we arrived home I had to tell Rosalie and Alice the details which was pretty embarrassing but fun to finally tell the girls about my sex life. I think they were jealous of how awesome our sex life was.

"You're just jealous you are not getting any!" Edward said as he walked out of his house.

I smiled as I stared at the God standing on his porch. I didn't know how I ever got so lucky. He was so beautiful; everything about him was so perfect. I glanced at his hair blowing in the wind and automatically longed to grab his thick locks. Then my eyes travelled down his chiseled, smooth abs and landed on his perfect package. Oh how I wanted to touch it and see it. Edward smiled at me as he noticed my stares.

"You sure you don't need to hunt? We can tell Carlisle and Esme to save you some dinner." Emmett said

"No I think I will fulfill my hunger satisfaction tonight." Edward said as the vampires left to eat.

"What's in the bag Bella?" Edward asked noticing my bag I was trying to hide.

"Oh nothing just some extra sleepwear." I said trying not to blush as I walked in the house.

But as soon as I entered the house my phone vibrated. It was Mike, he had texted me and was asking me to the Funky Munky again.

"Who is that?" Edward asked as we made our way into his kitchen so he could get me a drink. Although I was never that thirsty, Edward felt entitled to always keep me fed and replenished.

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