Girls Just Want to Have Fun Chapter 12: All You Need Is Love

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All you need is love; all you need is love,

All you need is love, love, love is all you need.

Love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love.

All you need is love, all you need is love,

All you need is love, love, love is all you need.

All You Need Is Love- The Beatles

Bella's POV:

The sound of my phone vibrating on my night table awakened me from my sweet slumber. I looked over my shoulder, hoping to see Edward, but he wasn't there. I picked up my phone. It was a text from Jake.

 I need to talk to you. Phone me right away.

What? Talk about what? As far as I was concerned there was nothing to talk about. What was going on?

"Beautiful Bella, is everything okay?" I jumped at the sound of Edward's unexpected voice. I turned around to see Edward in jeans and a black sweater. I guess he had already gone home to change. He looked amazing. He was my handsome vampire. But all of a sudden I felt embarrassed being naked in front of him, so I started to grab the sheets off of my bed.

"Oh now you are embarrassed Bella? You weren't like that last night." He said smiling.

"Please don't ever feel you have to hide your body, it's the most beautiful thing I have ever seen." Edward said as he moved towards me and started to rub my breasts.

"Mmmm Edward, good morning." I said as I smiled up at the man I loved.

"Good morning Love. Is everything okay?" He asked again as he rubbed my cheek with his right hand.

"Now it is." I said smiling up at him as he gave me a questionable look.

I sighed knowing that what I was about to tell Edward, would make him very jealous and angry. So I told him what Jake had to say. I was right; I could see his brows furrow and his mouth clench tight. I explained to Edward that I had no idea what Jake wanted to talk to me about, and he believed me.

All of a sudden, my phone went off again. It was Jake.

I'm coming over no matter what that leech says.

I showed Edward the text. I was puzzled. I had no idea what the rush was, or what the emergency was. I looked up at Edward and he was angry. Very angry.

"Why does that mutt need to come over here? I swear Bella if he tries anything he is going to be a dead dog!" He yelled clenching his fists together.

"Edward relax, I'm sure it is nothing plus I think I know how to handle Jake." I said as I put on  blue jeans, a white shirt and black hoodie. I brushed my teeth and combed my hair.

All of a sudden I heard someone pounding on the door. The sound echoed throughout the entire house.

"Edward you stay here! I don't want a war to happen in front of my house!" I cried out. I knew he was angry but he did what he was told.

Then I went out to greet Jake.

"Jake what are you doing here?" I asked.

"Bella I love you and you can't be with Edward! You were there yesterday, didn't you see how he acted! He is a monster Bella, and you don't deserve him!" Jake confessed.

I was shocked. Very shocked.

"No he is not a monster Jake! I love him! I thought we already discussed this!" I yelled becoming angry that Jake would accuse Edward of being a monster.

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