Chapter 4

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Zayn's POV

Louis was getting some stuff from the fridge while he put me and Liam in charge of opening the sauce cans. I followed what Liam was doing with a can opener and I successfully did it but when I went to remove the metal it sliced my finger.

"Ouch!" I muttered.

Liam looked over and saw that I was bleeding and grabbed a paper towel and started to dab the blood.

"It's not too deep so I think you should be fine."

"What's not too deep?" Louis asked while walking into the room followed by a gasp.

He rushed over basically pushing Liam out of the way making me giggle.

"Geez Liam we have only had him for two days and you've already managed to get his finger cut!"

I giggled again while Louis picked me up and took me to the bathroom, he set me on the toilet and got out this brown bottle and a band aid.

"Ok Bubba this might sting."

He put some of the liquid on a cotton ball then put it on my finger it stung but not enough to make me cry, my mom used to put hand sanitizer on my cuts after every beating so this wasn't too bad. After that Louis put a band aid on my finger and then kissed my head.

"Good as new! Now let's see how Liam is doing with those pizzas!"

I nodded and followed him to the kitchen, I sat next to Liam and Louis put some sauce, cheese, and dough in front of me.

No ones POV

Zayn didn't exactly know what to do with the dough so he just intently watched what Liam was doing and copied it. Louis thought it was adorable how Zayn would bite his lip in concentration and every few seconds he would look at Liam to make sure he was doing it right and then Liam would make some over dramatic compliments to Zayn about how he's such a wonderful chef and how he should have his own restaurant which of course made Zayn give his award winning smile, it was so adorable that Louis even had to take a few photos. They put the pizzas in the oven and then proceeded to make a salad and cut up some fruit although Louis had Zayn sit out for the cutting part.

Zayn's POV

I was helping Louis put fruit on a plate and take out the pizzas when Liam left and shortly came back with Harry and Niall and their friends following him. Everyone sat at the large table me in between Louis and one of the boys friends. Niall and Harry each had the same friends because they're on the same football team and I think the whole team was over which was pretty cool. I took a bite of my pizza and smiled because it was honestly delicious, how many amazing foods like this existed? Louis chuckled at my reaction and then most of the boys and Niall left to go upstairs and finish the movie.

"Zee me and Liam are gonna go finish the movie do you wanna come with us or stay here?"

"Leave him here with me and Tom dad we can hang out!" Harry said.

I smiled at Louis before he nodded and left with Liam to finish a movie. I looked over at Harry who smiled at me and started talking about how him and Liam got these cool new hover boards at the mall and that he might let me try it out. From the corner of my eye I saw Tom smirking at me but I didn't say anything because I've learned its best to ignore it.

"Zee me and tom are gonna join the other boys do you wanna come?"

"I think I'm just gonna finish my pizza I might come later," I said because I was honestly nervous around all of their friends.

"Yea me too Haz, I'll just hang with Zayn here!" Tom said.

Harry nodded and then left up the stairs, I stayed quiet and ate my pizza until I felt Tom starring at me. I turned around and he smirked again before he started speaking.

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