Chapter 29

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Zayn's POV

We were currently in the car on the way to the airport, that's right were finally taking our LA trip, and I was kind of excited, I loved the beach last time so maybe this place has beaches. It's two am right now and Harry, Niall, and Papa are asleep so it's just me and Dad up right now.

"Daddy how much longer?"

"About thirty more minutes bub, why don't you go back to sleep?"

"I can't I'm too excited!"

"Of course you are, but you will miss out on everything when we get there and will be sleeping all day."


I pulled up my hood and placed made a pillow with arms then placing my head on my arms and slowly falling asleep.

I woke up to a bunch of people talking and someone rubbing my back. I opened my eyes and I was on Papa's lap and it looked like we were on some sort of patio, some lady I've never seen before and a teenage girl were here, and Simon and Eric.

"Hey bub, you really slept didn't you?" Dad asked.

I nodded and dug my face back into Papa's chest, it was really sunny but it was a bit windy and I was in a short sleeve so I got a bit chilly.

"Hey Zayn you already know Simon and his family but this is Lou and her daughter Lux who is 15, can you say hi?" Papa asked.

I waved shyly and then turned away blushing a deep red making everyone laugh.

"He's adorable Louis, I've been waiting forever to meet the famous Zayn."

I giggled at that comment and turned back around to face them again, Lou smiled and pinched my cheeks and Lux went back to her conversation with Niall.

"Papa I'm cold."

"I think Daddy has your sweatshirt inside why don't you go ask him?"

I got up and then walked over to Daddy who was taking hot dogs off of a grill.

"Daddy I'm cold."

"Okay, Let's go find your sweatshirt."

He placed the plate of food on the table and then took me into the beautiful house and then into my room that I had to myself. He grabbed my sweater for me and placed it over me.

"There we go, all nice and warm, now let's get you some lunch."

I nodded and dad picked me up and we went back downstairs out onto the patio and I was placed in a seat and some watermelon and a hotdog was placed in front of me. I smiled and started eating not even bothering to realize that there was a mixture of ketchup and watermelon juice running down my face and hands.

"Oh gosh Zee, I can't even see your face behind all of that ketchup!" Papa said.

I smiled and grabbed a napkin wiping off my face and hands so I was all clean again and then went back to Papa's lap and he instinctively wrapped his arms back around me.

"You want to go with Niall, Harry,Lux, and Eric to the beach for a little bit?" He asked.


I was still a bit clingy to dad and papa after what happened but can you blame me? It was a whole month that we were separated and I'm scared of loosing one of them again. They left for the beach so now it was just the adults and me sitting here while they had their boring adult talk. I started contently playing with the buttons on Papa's collar until I felt all eyes on me, I looked up and they were all cooing at me and of course I had to start blushing again.

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