Chapter 3

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  After she got out of her car and unlocked her house door, Jessica lead herself, Jade, and her brothers inside. When she got inside, Jessica was welcomed by the familiar white walls and gCooper 'L' couches that has blue glass coffee tables at the sides of the couches. In front of the couch, a white rectangle shaped coffee table. A television was in front of the couch as well but it was in a hole that was shaped for it and below the television was a long artificial fire was placed.

"What do you guys want to eat?" Jessica asked

She heard everyone yell pizza, so she grabbed two frozen store ones and put them in the oven.

When she was done with putting the pizza on the kitchen table she yelled, "Guys, foods done." After she yelled that, she heard them descending the stairs.

They all grabbed a slice or two and took it to Jessica's office.

While they were talking about the case, Sebastian handed out the school schedules for Jessica, Jade, Fynn, Cooper, and Hunter. They discovered that both of the girls had the same classes together. Jessica and Jade had Homeroom, Math, Language Arts, Gym, Free period, History, and Chemistry. Cooper had five classes with them, while Hunter had only four classes with the girls. The classes Cooper had with his sister and Jade were 1st hour homeroom with Hunter, and Fynn, 2nd hour math, 4th hour gym with Hunter and Fynn, 5th hour free hour with Hunter, and 6th hour History. While Cooper had these classes with the girls, Hunter had 3rd hour Language Arts and 7th hour Chemistry with just him and the girls.

"Okay, so, who are are the suspects that we need to keep an eye on?" Sebastian asked.

"We need see about Samuel and Taylor King obviously, as well as Shawn Smith, Evan Hill, Justin Duke, Kyle Jones, Evan Baxter, Emily Meadows, and Jackson Woods. We got their files from Spencer and the agency." Jessica explained, while passing out the kids' files. "But we have to remember to keep an open eye. Anyone from the school could be involved in the drug deal. So don't assume that it is just one of those kids."

"Why are those kids on our suspect list?" Cooper asked.

"Because there were rumors that those kids were doing something to do with drugs." Jade answered. "The rumors came from students, neighbors, and people who were just walking the streets. But like Jessie said, it could be anyone." she continued.

After getting the files, they read them all twice before noticing that it was nine o' clock.

"Okay, well i'm gunna go. You guys need to start getting ready for school the day after tomorrow. We also need to get disguised so nobody will know it's us." Sebastian explained.

When he said that the girl's' eyes lit up with excitement. "Does that mean that we can get our hair dyed?" Jade asked curiously.

"Yes but nothing permanent." He said strictly, earning fist bumps from both the girls and them yelling "yes!". Sebastian and the other Parker brothers just shook their heads and chuckled at the girls' behaviour

"Okay. We all need to go home and rest, cause I have a feeling that we are going to be at the mall for a while tomorrow." Fynn told everyone, causing the boys to groan at the thought of shopping.

"Oh you big baby's." The girls muttered.

"What did you say?" Hunter and Cooper asked at the same time, looking amused at the two girls.

"We said that we love you all so very much." Jessica said to all of her brothers.

"Yeah, yeah. We love you too, Jessie. Well we need to get going. Bye Jade. Bye sis." Rain said to both of the girls. When he said that, he walked to his sister to wrap his arm around her waist and pulled her closer so he could kiss her forehead.

"Bye Rain." she told her big brother.

After she and Rain hugged and bid their goodbyes, Jessica's brothers followed Rain's actions, by hugging their sister, kissing her on her forehead, and said goodbye to both Jessica and Jade.

When all the boys left, the girls decided to get the stuff that they had together and make a list of their basic needs that they didn't have. The things that they found was a couple duffle bags that they decided to use for gym, calculators, paper, and a few math supplies.

After the girls get what they have, they realized that it was 11:00 at night and decided it was time to get some rest for the next day.

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