Chapter 6

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I'm sorry I haven't been updating for a while. But now that I am on summer break, I should have more time to work on Mr. Bad Boy and I as well as my other stories. I do have a request though. Could you all please vote and comment. It really makes my day when I see people reading and actually liking my work. Anyway here's the story! Enjoy! 

After homeroom, Jessica and Jade went to their lockers to get their things for math when they saw the group of boys from homeroom slamming a kid into a locker.

"Come on Jessica, lets go," Jade told her.

"Already on it," Jessica informed her while walking to where the group of boys were fighting the kid.

"Hey!" Jessica said to stop them.

"What do you want?" the leader asked her, harshly

"I want you to let him go."


"Because I told you to," When she said that, his gang started laughing at what she said.
"Don't laugh at her!" Jade yelled at them.

"Or what?" one of the 'followers' asked.

"Or, you won't like the outcome," Jade told them.

"It seems to me that you are all talk, and no action," the same boy replied.

"I'll give you action," she threatened. She started walking towards the boys when Jessica put her arm in front of Jade to stop her.

"Their not worth getting in trouble on the first day of school, Jade," she told her.

"Fine," Jade told her. "Let's do what we came over here to do."

After she said that, Jade and Jessica went to the kid that was being bullied. As they got closer, the kid shunned back, thinking that the girls would hurt him as well. When they got to the boy, they crouched down to be face to face to him.

"Hi, we aren't going to hurt you," Jade told him, as Jessica is glaring at the group of popular kids before going to help Jade calm the kid down.

"Hey, what's your name?" Jade asked softly.

"M-m-my n-name i-is A-Alex," he stuttered.

"Hi Alex. My name is Jade, and that girl over there is my best friend," she told him. "we won't hurt you. I promise. Now why are they messing with you?"

"I-i don't know."

"Well we will try to stop it and if they continue, tell us or one of my brothers, if you are one of those people who doesn't like getting help from a girl. But in my opinion, you should get us and my brothers so we can stop this for good. Okay?" Jessica told him. Alex nodded in agreement and acknowledgment.

"Thank you," Alex told the girls.

"You're welcome, Alex. How about you help us around the school?" Jade asked.

"O-Ok," he agreed, "thanks again for what you did."

"It's fine. Anything to help the people who need the help," Jade told him while Jessica glares at the popular group again, who were watching the girls help Alex.

"Who do you think you are!?" the 'leader' asked.

"Somebody who is a better human being and someone who don't find happiness in hurting people who did nothing wrong," Jessica snapped back at him. "What is your name?"

"Shawn. And they are Justin, Evan, and Kyle. Now stay out of our way and we might stay out of yours. Ok?" Shawn told Jessica.

"You aren't the boss of me. I will do anything I want to do and you can not stop me," she responded.

"Oh really," he said amused and slightly shocked that somebody stood up to him.

"I said it, didn't I?" she snapped.

"Do you even know who we are?"

"Yes I know who you guys are. You four are people on top of the food chain and find happiness in hurting others. You are also ego is too big for your own good," Jessica told them. She was trying to control her anger but Shawn and his group was making it hard for her.

"What is going on here?" Cooper asked, coming into the conversation.

"Nothing Cooper. It's all been taken care of." Jessica told him with gritted teeth.

"This doesn't look like nothing, Jess" Hunter told her.

"We found these idiots bullying Alex and now they are ticking Jess off " Jade told Cooper and Hunter for Jess.

"Why were they messing with him in the first place?"

"You know how popular kids are, Cooper. They find joy in messing with the innocent and that their egos are too big for their own good." Jessica told him.

"Let's go Jess. Nobody wants you to get in trouble in our first day." Hunter reminded her.

"Fine. Come on Alex. You can hang with us if you want. That way they can't hurt you."

"How do you think we won't be able to hurt him if he goes with you? We can do whatever we want." Even asked. "like this." as he punches Alex in his stomach.

After Even threw the punch, Jessica and her 'gang' got in a fighting protective stance in front of Alex in an instant. Jade left her protective stance to aid him.

While she was aiding Alex, Jessica and her brothers started fighting with Shawn and his 'gang'.

"I'm not going to fight you." Shawn told Jessica.

"And why is that?" she asked him

"Because I was taught to never fight a girl."

"Well then this will be an easy win." Jessica said as she punched him in the nose then in his stomach.

"What the heck!" Shawn yelled at her in shock and pain.

"Dont mess with me, my best friend, my brothers, Alex, or anyone. Understood? Good." she told him. "Guys, lets go. We're already late for class and we need to take Alex to the nurse." With that, the entire group left to take Alex to the nurse.

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