Chapter 4

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 “Honestly, it's not even like that,” Toby disagrees.

 “Oh, so you didn't break into her house and steal her phone then?” Chase retorts, his eyebrows raised in disbelief.

 “I did not steal it,” Toby said slowly for the thousandth time, “She had a, not so cool, picture of me on that phone and refused to delete it, so I had to take matters into my own hands. It was basically mine at the time,” Is his logic.

 I stared between the two in amusement as they went back and forth.

 The week went by pretty uneventful, unless you count the trashed math room, a broken fountain—that kinda gave us a day or two off since it flooded the entire history wing—and stolen gym equipment. The first and last one being the courtesy of Toby, who got into a small dispute with his math teacher about raising his B+ to an A, which he didn't. Toby didn't take that very well.

 He ended up getting a weeks detention for that, but they still have no idea who stole the gym stuff, so let's hope he gets away with that one. He probably was the one who broke the fountain too, seeing as everytime we walk by it, I notice how he has this kind of smug look on his face, but he hasn't said anything about it.

 “You two need help,” I voiced, shaking my head at them in amusement, “What's up with Declan?” I asked, leaning away from the lockers and started making my way to class.

 “Oh yeah, he's running late today,” Chase said, “Said he was having trouble with his truck.”

 I nodded in response.

 “Hi, Adrian.”

 My attention shifted to the brunette that was leaning against the lockers with a couple other girls surrounding her. I remember seeing her somewhere but I didn't know who she was. So I just nodded and kept it moving.

 The last thing I'm getting myself into is girl drama. I know a lot of these girls try to get close to me, but I won't let them. I was not about to get myself tangled up in that mess again. Not after the last one.

 Moments later I spotted Andrew as he turned a corner and was making his way in our direction. Seeing us walking his way, he stops and waits for us to catch up.

 “Why do you keep doing that?” Toby voiced, seeing as Andrew kept looking over his shoulder in an anxious kinda way.

 Andrew shook his head in response but we all knew the real reason.

 “Curving Candace again?” Chase said I amusement.

 He lets out a breath and runs his hand through his hair, “She won't leave me the fuck alone,” he gritted out.

 “Just give the girl a date,” Chase chuckled.

 Andrew made a face at that, “Fuck no.”

 I grinned, stuffing my hands in my front pockets and leaning against the lockers, “C’mon man, you just have to get to know her,” I said.

 They all turned to me at that. It was quiet for a moment before they all started laughing. I bowed my head as my shoulders shook in silent laughter. Honestly, I don't know what to expect with Candace. She can either get better once you get to know her, or worse and no one's ever lived to tell the tale.

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