Quittich world cup

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I pushed trough the crowds of fangirling  guys.

"Come on Vic we have to go!"I said running a little faster.

I was the youngest on our team. I was 14. Youngest Quittich player ever.

The cup was just about to start.

"ARE YOU READY GUYS!" I yelled getting our spirits up.

" YEAH!" The rest of the team yelled back at me.

"Welcome the Bulgaria team!" The announcer yelled.

We flew out doing flips in the air just like we practiced.

The game was so much fun! We won because of my amazing talent at being a keeper. Also my brother caught the snich but no one cares.

We went to the top box to celebrate. They were all holding me on there shoulders.

When we arrived back at our tent, Victor lifted me on his shoulder.

"Nice job! You did great out there!" He said in Bulgarian to me.

"Thanks you to!" I said back at him in Bulgarian.

We all went to bed after that.

I woke up to Victor shaking my shoulders.

"Go back to bed Vic." I said in Bulgarian.

"Get up! There are death eaters out there!" He yelled in Bulgarian.

I got of bed as fast as I could.

"Get to the forest!" I screamed in Bulgarian.

I was holding his hand as hard as I could. Once we got to the forest we hid. I started hugging Vic. He was whispering soothing words to me.

We heard a yell "Hey look! It's Ava and Victor Krum!"they screamed.

"Run."we said in unison.

We ran deeper in the forest. Vic apperated us back to Drumstrang.
We said quick goodbyes to each other than went to our separate rooms.

I was the only girl at Drumstrang. My father wanted me to be with my brother. So I have my own room.

Ava Krum (Victor Krum's sister)Where stories live. Discover now