Quiddich training

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I ran around the castle 3 times today. I knew I had suicide training today.

I ran down to the pitch to wait for the Quiddich teams.

I saw the Quiddich teams walk down to the pitch. They all look very ready to go. Most of the players were boys but that's ok. I saw that some guys were sitting on the bleachers.

"Alright guys were going to something I call suicide training." I said with my accent. I explained suicide training to them. "I will be doing it with you. When I say ready we go. Ready set go!"

We all started to run. After the first time most of the threw up or passed out. I was the only one to finish the 5 times.

"How can you do it?" said Jake wilds said. He is the Ravenclaw caption.

"Lots of practice." I said if it was no big deal. "Let's go again."

"NO!" Everyone else said.

"Fine,fine. Let's fly!" I said.

Everyone else got on there brooms and flew to the sky. We all played Quiddich till dinner.

Cedric's POV

She is so hot when she plays Quiddich. I'm going to ask her out to hogsmade. I don't know how she did that whole corse. It was really hard.

Ava's POV

I walked to the castle. A Slytherin came up to me.

"Hey my name is Brandon White!" He said to  me.

"Hi. I'm Ava Krum." I said back to him. We shook hands.

"Um... I was wondering if we can be friends " he said.

"Yeah sure. Do you want to walk back to the Great hall with me?" I said

"Why not." He said.

When we went got to the Great hall and went our separate ways. I sat next to Vic.

"How was training?" He asked.

"It was awesome! All the guys in all the schools were watching and I was the only one to finish the corse." I said.

"Wait there were guys watching you?!" He exclaimed.

"Yeah. No big deal." I said.

By then I saw Cedric walking over.

"Hey Ced. What are you doing here?" I asked.

" I just wanted to ask you if you wanted to go to hogsmade with me?" He asked.

"Sure!" I said.

"Hey Cedric,can I talk to you? Outside." Vic said harshly.

Cedric's POV

We both walked outside.

"If you hurt her I will kill you. Got it?" He said in a threatening voice.

"I promise I won't her! She is really nice and sweet and I would never do anything like that." I promised.


Ava Krum (Victor Krum's sister)Where stories live. Discover now