The first task

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I am so nervous for the task. Vic told me it was Dragons.

We were called down the pitch. I was holding Vic's hand. When we got the tent I saw Ced. I waved to him then he waved back at me.

Dumbledore came toward us with a bag.

"Hello champions! Welcome to the first task. Pick a dragon out of the bag and that will be your dragon for the task." He said.

Every one picked there dragons and I got a whitebrook white tail. They are the meanest dragons. But they are the thinnest skinned dragons. My spell will go straight through its skin.

"Miss Krum will go first." Dumbledore said.

I went outside the tent. Everyone was cheering my name. Then I saw the dragon. It was all white and just like I saw them in the pictures. Dragons are so cool!

"Stupifyacks" I yelled.

The spell will go away after a while. So I quickly ran to get the egg. Once I got it the dragon woke up. I quickly ran behind a rock so the fire wouldn't touch me. I made a run for it. Some of the fire touched me and I screamed in pain. I quickly ran out of the arena.

Once I got to the hospital tent the nurse put ointment on my back. I screamed in pain again. Then I passed out.

Victor's POV

I heard the screams of pain from my sister.

"I need to get to her!" I yelled while Cedric and Harry.

Cedric's POV

It took everything I had to not run out for her. I really do like her. Maybe even love!

"I need to get to her!" Victor yelled.

I quickly held on to on of his arms while Harry got the other. This is gonna take a while.

Ava's POV

When I woke up I remembered what happened. I looked up and saw Vic on a chair asleep.

"Vic wake up!" I yelled.

"Ava!" Vic yelled as he hugged me.

"How long have I been out?" I asked.

"A day." He said.

"I got to figure out my egg!" I exclaimed.

I tried to get up Vic pushed me back down.

"You need to get your rest. You got a level 5 burn." Vic said.

Then Cedric came in.

"Ava! You woke up!" Ced as he bent down to hug me. Vic growled. He quickly got up. Uh.... I'm never going to have a love life.

Ava Krum (Victor Krum's sister)Where stories live. Discover now