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I woke up on the ship the next day at 6am. Got out of bed and went outside to start running.

At Durmstang we all get up early and take a run around the whole castle. I was a very fast runner and always out ran the other boys.

When I started running I saw guys looking at me. Vic didn't like that. He growled at them. I never had a boyfriend because of him. Then I noticed all the girls looking at the other boys.

After running two laps around the castle I was tired. I decided to go yo the library. I've always loved reading. I love muggle story's like The Hunger Games and Percy Jackson.

I saw a bushy haired girl and decided to ask her where the library is.

"Excuse me. Do you know where the library is?" I asked her.

"I was just going to there myself. I'm Hermione Granger." She said.

"I'm Ava Krum." I said. She looked shocked.

"Like the keeper?"she asked in shock.

"Yeah. Can you show me where the library is?"I said.

"Let's go!"she exclaimed.

When we got to the library I was shocked. The library two times bigger than the Drumstrang library!

I got a muggle book off the shelf called Dorothy must Die. I sat down at a table and started reading. The book was so good! 

"Hey. Do you want to meet some of my friends?" Hermione asked next to me.

"Sure."I said putting the book back on the shelf.

"Let's go!" She said dragging me out of the library.

Ava Krum (Victor Krum's sister)Where stories live. Discover now