So this Story Comes to a Close

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I'm quite a bit sorry to say that I am not going to be continuing with this fanfiction. I'm really sorry. 

This was originally a theory that I had for Winter, and when it didn't happen, I was a little disappointed (^v^). And I don't see a point in writing a story that has already come to a close. I will be reading Stars Above. 

I will be writing more fanfiction, about the Lunar Chronicles. 

I was actually given the opportunity to go to a Marissa Meyer meet and greet as well as signing event. And she was wonderful. It's reminded me that I'm still ankle deep in the Lunar Chronicles universe, and I would love to pull myself in again. 

However, unfortunately for you guys, my personal writing comes first, and with school, I am quite busy. I am starting on my second draft of the novel that I am writing, and also working on a very big school project (I started a writers club) and it's quite stressful. 

BUT!!!! Don't worry. My crossover fanfic, as well as a new fanfic will be added. Thank you very much, and apologies for my inconsistency. 

(The Next Fanfic, however, Kai will be a cyborg. I can't resist that theory. >v<)

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