The Cuppycake and The Date???

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     ~~Your P.O.V.~~

After I met Ollie, I visited almost everyday for the next month. I loved the sweet cupcakes sure, but those were just an excuse to go see the British gentleman, most- times. I quite enjoyed his company. Sometimes we would just sit and talk together, and even though it was either about school or baking techniques. It was fun just to sit down in that cheery, little building working on homework from classes or chating with Ollie. It was a place I could take a break from all the dullness outside ,and every time leaving me in a smile. Honestly, though it was one of those days that I really needed that break. All because of one particular person. I sat in one of the little cushioned chairs of the bakery to wait for a short while while I cooled down from earlier.

~~~Flash back to the start of the school day~~~

On my way to classes I ran into one of the people I least wanted to see: (name you hate). One of the top sorority 'sisters' as well as my ongoing bully. Though being the adult I am here at (name of collage you attend), I just ignore everything that she says, but today wasn't going to be like those days."Hey,(Y/N). Going to the nerd stop again?" I looked over at her with her dark long hair in whatever popular fashion was going on, and she had one of her professionally manicured hands on her hip. I decided to ignore her for a time and started to walk pass her. Though, instead she grabbed my arm jerking me backwards slightly." Hey I was talking to you b!**h." I looked at her my eyes narrowing in anger. I normally don't hit people,but right now i want to make an exception for this doll-faced barbie.

"Listen (N/Y/H) I don't care what you say or do. In my opinion the only reason you even talk to me is to make your self feel better. Especially since I obviously have an IQ higher than my shoe-size. I at least show up at school when I need to and not be late cause I was kissing someone in the hallway." I huffed letting out a sigh, jerking my arm out of her grasp. The look on her face was almost worth it ,but the steam might not be so good considering she punched me. I could practically feel the right side of my face start to swell from the hit.

"Escusa* me, bella*? Is there a problem here?" We heard a teacher ask from behind us. It was Mr. Vargas, he is the Italian professor here. Honestly most people only take his class because of him. He had auburn hair with a weird curl on his left side, and beautiful magenta eyes with a tan. Though that didn't matter to me, All I want is to be an interpreter, you know. So basically I could care less about the teachers looks, but apparently (N/Y/H) became flustered when he was around.

"No not at all professor. . . Just a misunderstanding. . ." she began, tumbling over her words.

"Miss... I was not addressing you but the one you so rudely punched. For which there will be a punishment for." The menacing glare given to the girl caused me to mentally shiver, just from watching.She how ever was shaking so bad you could see the cold sweats rolling along her skin."I'm fine Mr.Vargas, just on my way to class. When I was stopped by this lovely student, here." I smile I don't glare no matter how much I may want to at her. In fact, it really hurt to smile after that punch.

"Well if you are not in to much of a hurry to get to class would you and the ragazza* here, accompany me to the headmaster office, please?" As much as I would have liked to say no, mentally groaning. I don't think it was an option. So I quietly nodded and followed The two to the office. She only got suspended for three days, to which she gave me a glare and was escorted off school grounds, by campus security. I on the other hand was sent to the infirmary with Mr.Vargas to be patched up, and sent back to class. Which since the bell had rung was now Italian 101. So, I just walked behind him as I went to class getting lots of stares from on lookers in the hallway. The walk out of the school was that more easy than it seemed to be. As I walked, I found myself on a familiar path leading to Oliver's cupcakes and tea. I let the sign pass in to view before finally deciding to go on inside. The familiar smell of cupcakes and icing reaching my nose, Happy thoughts filling my mind.

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