Early Mornings and Late Night Deaths

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  ~~Your P.O.V.~~

I woke up to early due to light streaming in from the window. I groggily looked around, feeling arms wrapped securely around my waist. I wiggled gently and they only seemed to curl tighter on my stomach.

"Oliver, please let me turn around a bit" I spoke shyly as his hold loosened and allowed me to turn over. His hair was in disarray the way the light shined it turned a pinkish color. I giggled when he opened his eyes ,and noticed me looking at him;eyes widened in surprise.

"H-h-how long have you been awake poppet?" he stammered out, sitting up releasing me from his hold. I giggled at his flustered state.

"Not long Oli, in fact I just woke up a minute ago." I smile. Taking note of how childish he could be. It was cute, I thought to myself in amusement.

"O-o-okay ,poppet. Y-y-you can use the shower when I get out..."He stuttered, getting up from the bed to drag him self to the restroom taking clothes with him. Once he came out in his day clothes I went in to change in to the uniform and shower to be ready for the day.

"Are you ready to go ,poppet?" He asked and started heading to the stairs leading to the bakery down stairs.

"Yep!" I skipped after him dashing down the stairs to keep up with him. Though little did I know that another ear was listening in on our conversation.

((Arthur's P.O.V))

I heard every little word they uttered to one another, but it also seemed that she has totally ignored my warning. Sighing with nothing better to do I thought that it would be better to snoop around, and try to find something to get that silly git to leave. Doesn't she realize the feelings that Matthew has, and that Alfred have for her could cause a fight???!! (Y/N),... I must protect her, but how can I get her away from him just long enough to see. Well maybe Matthew had the right idea. I mean it ideally gets her out of danger, but the draw back is that she is locked away from the world seeing no one else. So should I really sentence her to a life of looking at nothing, but four walls. Only seeing a limited few? These thoughts spun through my head as I watched them go down stairs and into the bakery below. I hope that he doesn't hurt her, and at least until I am able to save her. Though being stuck here at the enemies house isn't really a good point at the moment. I guess I need to buy time until. . . I get her away. . .

((Your P.O.V))

Oliver had me only doing small stuff around the bakery at first like sweeping or taking orders from people , and such. He said he didn't want me to be overwhelmed on my first day of work, and I know it must have been some relieve for him. After lunch rush, He took he to the kitchen and started pulling out ingredients that I recognized. They were for cupcakes.

"Okay, poppet. . .Are you ready to make some cuppycakes with me?." He grinned pulling out a final ingredient, it was red with the label, HT. HT? what kind of label is that?! I was going to ask, but before I could he was already showing me which ingredients to put in to the industrial sized mixture first.

"Yep ready. . . I guess." I said with a sigh. First was the flour , eggs, a little bit of milk, sugar, and others. That red container never once hit the list until the very end where a red clumpy liquid went in to the batter.

"Now could you hit the button to turn it on but be careful with the lever it gets stuck on the high setting so try and keep it in the middle if you can." He explained as he began to put up the stuff. So I went over and gently pressing the leaver making the paddle spin and mix everything together and what ever the red stuff was disappeared evenly into the mix not even a trace that it was once there. After that we made the icing and the decorations for them, and took the cupcakes out of the oven. Placing them on a cooling rack. BANG, Crash. Echoed from the front of the bakery. I looked over at Oliver , and then we both ran out to the front. First thing we saw was the most insufferable red-head standing in front of a customer with a nailed baseball bat pointed at him.

"Allen, put that baseball bat down and go upstairs this instant!" Oliver yelled. Wait, what . . . he yelled? He's never yelled even when he was mad . . . This means trouble. My eyes widened as Oliver also called to a customer giving him a cupcake that was pink and blue."Sorry , sir. Here have a free cupcake." The man then took it with thanks and began to walk out of the store taking a bite of the sweet cake. After which he fell to the ground holding his neck, before becoming completely, and Obviously dead. My eyes widened further as Oliver went out and collected him dragging him down in to a door next to the stove. Seconds later he came back noticing my wide eyes he, "I am so sorry you had to see that poppet ,but now it looks like I can't let you leave here for a while. But it wont be so bad will it ,poppet?" I shook my head no. Am I really just going to allow this? Why do I want to stay after seeing that?


Hey Guys so I've decided to transfer my books here that I have completed Or mostly completed It'll Help me clear Up some space In my mind and give more readers a Chance to read this story. 

So I hope you guys enjoy this story. I'll be adding more soon. thanks 

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