Will things Ever be normal?

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        ~~Arthur's P.O.V.~~

I knew that Matthew, and Alfred both cared for (Y/N) as more than a friend and I could see why. She was beautiful ,kind, and strong. Even if it's not in the physical sense of strength it was more emotionally so. Personally I thought of her more as a friend though since everything that's happened recently. Speaking of which staying with Oliver isn't what I expected honestly. He was very cordial about things and talked about (Y/N) often enough for me to say that, Even I could then he was enamored, if not obsessed with her. I honestly couldn't decide if it was a good thing or bad thing. When I asked him what he was planning on doing with her all he did was smile and look at me saying.

"She's my sweet little cuppycake. I'm keeping her." His eyes sparkled his own comment. Personally, this seemed odd to me, but at the moment there seemed to be nothing I could do. I sighed to myself and looked out the window of the guest room that Oliver was letting me use.

~~Your P.O.V.~~

Mornings. . . I dislike. . . Mornings. . . Trust me it wasn't always this way ,but most times once you get out of high school, early mornings are HELL. The only good thing that I was doing today was going to Oliver's bakery, and my lovely school. My school in which, I was bombarded with questions from a certain teacher on my where a bouts. Apparently he likes having me in class, and tried to flirt all day with me to no avail. Sorry. I'm just not that interested in my professor, in the least. All my other classes seemed to fly by easily and got caught up on some of work in the classes. The rest is home work I guess. Though I guess when I got to Oli's I a little felt better. I ordered my normal cupcake and tea, then waited on Oliver to finish in the kitchen to talk to him.

"Poppet, is something wrong? . . . You seem a little out of it today." Oliver sat down in the chair next to me as I stared out the window. After a minute though I looked at him.

"I'm fine just a little. . . Stressed I guess. Mostly because of yesterday and missing out on school. I have a ton of homework. Not to mention my teacher started flirting with me. The only thing calming and made me even remotely happy today was coming here." I huffed and crossed my arms. All of these things did indeed frustrate me, but maybe I shouldn't have mentioned the flirty teacher bit.

"Well I'm glad to hear that visiting me makes you happy, but who was flirting with you?" he began to have pink swirls in his eyes little rings that floated around the center.

"Let's just say a certain Italian teacher needs to back off a bit." I said with a scowl." And to be honest I found it quite annoying." I began to rub my forehead looking at his eyes at the moment gave me a slight head ache.

"Well you won't have to worry about any more, poppet. I'll go talk to Luciano later. Though would you like to stay here tonight? It's getting awfully late." he smiled. I looked out side as the sky began to dim, and looked at my watch to see that it was almost eight thirty. I sighed fiddling with my hair a bit.

"Oli, I don't know. . . I wouldn't want to trouble you. Though I know I don't have school tomorrow, but I had planned to get up and look for a job tomorrow." It was high time I got one again. The last one well let's just say the boss was a total pervert. I shivered at the thought of my last Job, I honestly didn't want to do that again. He lit up any trace of those pink swirls gone, leaving the adorable light blue eyes I love.

"Then why not here? I have been looking for the help any way, and it would give me more time with you, and you wouldn't bother me ,poppet. It will be just like when we were baking over at my families house." His lips stretched into a crescent shape, grin.

"Oh, so she has met the others? Well, that's fine." A voice interrupted us, skeptically. I turned to see emeralds piercing into my own (eye color) orbs." You know, what you said they might not be so bad. I still don't trust them though.

"See I told you so." I snorted at him amused and rested my head on my hand." Are you finally being nice to Oliver?"

"It, seems so poppet."Oliver spoke up as Arthur blushed slightly at the conversation.

"You know I just won't say anything anymore." Arthur turned and left to go into the kitchen.

"Sorry, about him, poppet. He's a bit shy." Oliver said with a small shake of his head.

"I know and about me staying the night. . . Sure I'd love to. It'll be easier to get right to work, right? But I left everything I would need at home. So I migh-" a finger rested on my lips.

"That's okay, poppet. I have stuff here you could borrow for tonight at least. And a uniform for tomorrow. So don't you worry your little head." He smiled, Patting my head gently. After which, he led me up to the apartment above the bakery. Giving me a few out fits, one to sleep in for the night, and the other my guess was the uniform for tomorrow. I told Oliver that I would sleep on the couch seeing as Arthur locked him self in the guest room ,and it would be rude to have Oliver sleep on the couch in his own home. Though Oliver argued otherwise saying he needed to be a gentleman for his girlfriend. In the end of it we both were sleeping in Oliver's room. I snuggled up next to him since he fell asleep before I did. Even though we were both embarrassed by the situation I cuddled closer and fell asleep my self. Drifting off to the land of dreams.

~~Oliver's P.O.V.~~

I never really was able to fall asleep. So, I felt (Y/N) curl up into my back as she fell asleep. After which I turned and pulled her closer breathing in the scent of her hair it was(favorite scent) and I loved it. In fact I love everything about ,my little Cuppycake. From the tips of her hair to her toes. I love how she smiles, how she talks, and when she's happy. I was completely infatuated with her. I will think of a way to keep my poppet with me from now on. I don't think she'd like being around me all the time ,but. . . I have to keep Luciano and Matthew away from her even if that means locking her away. Though she said her parents were coming for a visit didn't she? Well I guess I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. For now I'll keep my poppet, my little cuppycake. . . With me here. She already says she's happier here. I pulled her a little closer ,smiling in to her hair. Before finally letting sleep come over me. I was really happy right then ,so all of my dreams that night were happy. My mind showing me scenes where (Y/N) helped me make my special cuppycakes. Start to finish. .. Maybe I could show her tomorrow. . . Though I already did once. she didn't seem suspicious ,but I guess her trusting nature is another thing I love. Now I just have to keep it that way ,and make her stay here. . .


               Hey everyone sorry for not updating in a while I got to being busy and had other stuff to do. Also after this story is finished I was planning on writing another. Not sure what to write yet exactly, but I have a servey on my profile if you want to help with that. Any who I hope you liked the new chapter. See ya next chapter.*waves* 


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