Chapter 4

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Percy PoV

Falling. It's not exactly the best sensation. However, getting hit directly by two symbols of power makes your life, however shitty it was, seem like the Isles of the Blest, even when you know you're going to die. Wow. That was deep.

So that was the sad story on how Percy kept falling. And Falling. Until I..................................................... HIT THE GROUND AND DIED PAINFULLY! [Author's Note: Didn't expect that did you?] 

So that was how I died. Literally. I touched ground and went 'SPLAT'. But that moment was the best moment of my sad, little life. My pain, both emotional and physical, melted away. I was at peace.

Until the stupid Olympians decided they weren't done with me. One moment as a spot of blood on the road, then re-appearing at the judgement stand. In front of me were the three judges, who I instinctively knew were under the order of Zeus to throw me into Tartarus. All of them [Except Minos, who looked happy] looked at me with pity. 

The first creepy voice said,"Perseus Jackson, two-time saviour and a... bunch of other things that no one considered when they let you die, you know that we are under orders to banish you to Tartarus. "

"No, you're not.", said a familiar voice. Turning back, I see Hades. "I am your master and my command overrules Zeus in the Underworld. Transfer him to the Isles of the Blest."

Looking at Hades with gratitude, I thanked him.

"Don't mention it. Nico asked me to tell you he was sorry for what happened. I also express my condolences.", said Hades.

"Your father and me, Apollo, Hephaestus, Hermes and the minor gods are mounting a revolution against Zeus. You will not be forgotten, Percy."

"Tell them to stop."


"You heard me. When I come back to Olympus, I will kill them myself. But let no one else die for me. But tell them to prepared for my arrival."

"What's stopping you from doing it now?"

"I need more power to challenge the council."

"Fine. But, if there is any way I can help you, tell me and I will do it"

Nodding, we parted ways.

So, that was how I ended up in the Isles of the Blest. Cool place if you asked me. Lots of water, and an infinite amount of BLUE COOKIES!!!

So I explored the Isles of the Blest. Going around, I saw that there were not many people, only like 3 people in every town [Horrible waste of space], but they seemed happy. That was until I saw someone with blond hair at the beach. He seemed sad. Glad I found someone who could relate to pain here, I decided to talk to him.

 As I approached him, I noticed that he reminded of someone. Someone very familiar, yet someone who I couldn't place. Ignoring it, I tapped him on his shoulder. He turned around, making me gasp. What I saw knocked all the air from my lungs.


(So that's the end of this chapter! My first cliffhanger! I'm evil. Muhahahahahahaha! Write down in the comments who you think 'he' is! Anyway, sorry about the delay. A broken arm, exams and so many other things tend to overload you. And if you have anything to say about the story, in the comments section! I will read and try to reply to all your posts. So thanks and see you in the next chapter!)

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