Chapter 3.

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I put the rest of my stuff away and start wondering if I should just stay home. I decide to walk out behind the school and shoot Ryan a text saying that I will just see him tomorrow. I will just avoid him alittle.

I climb up the bleachers next to the field the football team is practicing on. I pop in my ear buds and lay out on top. Im not ready to go home. I know eventually I will have to go. I just close my eyes and zone out.

I feel a hand on my arm shaking me alittle. I try to swat it away as I try to stay asleep. The hand grabs mine and then I panic. I open my eyes and try to move back at the same time.

"Hey, it's okay. It's late and almost everyone is gone."

"Oh" I mutter as my eyes start to focus and I remember where I am. I look around and realize its dark with the exception of a few lights on around the school. I see no one else out here. I go ahead and pull out my phone. I see the time and all the missed calls and texts.

"Did you need a ride? My car is the only one out there."

"I uhh I..I usually umm take the bus or walk. Im fine." I slowly let out as I get up. He picks up my bag and holds his hand out to me. I look at Jake's hand before I slowly take it.

He leads me out to his car and unlocks the doors. He opens the passenger door for me and I get in. He puts my bag in the back seat before climbing in.

"Im hungry, do you mind if we stop and get something to eat before I take you home?" He asks softly.

"I don't care." I say as he nods and starts driving. It takes about five minutes and we're at the pizza shop near the school. Alot of the guys hang out here. Im almost positive we will see the rest of the team here.

He pulls into the parking lot and looks at me one more time like he wants to say something. I just turn and go to open the door. Everyone is going to be talking about this tomorrow. This sucks. I should of just walked home.

He's at my side of the car as I push the door open. Im feeling awkward. I get out and reach in my pocket to make sure I still have money on me. I start counting in my head until I start to calm down again.

"You okay? "

"Yeah why?"

"You were counting. .."

"Oh...I'm fine." Great now I'm doing it out loud. I fist my hands and shove them in my coat.

"We don't have to go in.. If you don't want to? "

"No I'm fine. Lets just go." I say and start walking towards the door. Again he opens it for me. I follow him up to the counter and he orders a couple pizzas and then asks me what I want to drink.

I follow him to the tables that are all pushed together with the football team and cheerleaders around it. He looks at his seat and just pulls another chair next to his.

"Mia.." he says softly with a smile on his face. It's the first time I've heard him say my name. I pull my jacket off glad I still have a hoodie on. The bruises are still covered. I take the chair next to him.

His friends go back to talking about whether their going to the party tomorrow night. A football game playing on the tv above us. Occupies some of them. When the pizza gets brought over they all dig in.

Jake takes a plate and piles a couple slices on putting it in front of me and then grabs a plate for himself. I can't help but stare at all this. Im not used to anyone being nice to me besides my group. But its not that their nice, its that their protective of me.

I bite my lip as I pick up a slice. I then go ahead and dig in. Im about half done with my slice when my phone starts ringing. I set it down and grab my phone.

"Hey.." It's Candace talking a mile a minute. Going on and on. I don't really understand her.

"Can you just text me? I gotta go." I say to her and then hang up. I do a quick sweep of my texts and its mainly Ryan and Candace. I text my mom that I will see her monday. My dad should be gone by then.

Jake looks over at me but then starts talking to his friends again. I pick up my slice again and start eating. I feel one of his friends looking at me so I look over at him.

"Aren't you dating Ryan?"

"No. Ive never dated Ryan. " I answer looking confused.

"So your just sleeping with him?" He asks.

"No, Ryan is my best friend. Ive known him since I was six. Ive never slept with him."

"Then why does he act all territorial over you?"

"I uhh. . I don't know. I was kinda thinking about that today. Im hoping its just cause we're practically family and that I've seen him almost everyday for the past eleven years. " I say shrugging my shoulders. My answer must of been enough because he dropped the subject. But honestly I think I'm wrong and it makes me feel sick that I might be losing a friend.

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