Chapter | Two

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Wow guys we reached six notes!! Let's do it again!! I hope you're all enjoying this :) 

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment."

- Ralph Waldo Emerson Chapter two Harry’s P.O.V

When we arrive at my apartment I have to unbuckle her and pick her up because whatever they gave her is really taking effect now. She’s playing with one of my curls ogling on about how it bounces straight back when she lets go. It’s really weird seeing her so vulnerable. At the station she was feisty and strong and it’s something I like about her. Girly girls are boring and predicable, but with Chavez anything can happen. I stop at my door and place her on the step; I tuck a stray hair behind her ear and admire her goofy smile. “I’m just going to go unlock the door, okay love? Just sit here and watch the stars alright?” I say and she nods. Moving her shoes into my right hand, I grab my keys out of my pocket to unlock the door but when I turn to check on her she’s not there. “Chavez?” I call and squint in attempt to see where she is and there’s a dark shadow lying on the grass.

Out of confusion I walk toward it to find her lying there with her hands under her head. “Have you looked at the stars lately Harry?” She asks me and I look up to see millions of stars smiling down on us. It’s an unusually clear night for London and it’s truly a spectacular sight. “Not really,” I admit and she pats the grass next to her.

“Come join me,” I can’t make out her face too well in the darkness but I can see the moon’s reflection in her eyes. “Don’t make me tackle you,” she threatens and I sit down next to her, wrapping my arms around my knees. “What do youu think is out there?” I ponder the question for a little while and look up at the stars; they’re all so far away. “I think there’s a star in the sky for every good soul, you know? To guide them through life, when they look up into the sky and pray... They’re praying on their star.” She says, never once turning to look at me, “there’s even a star for you Styles.”

“You think?” It’s so quiet tonight; there are no birds, only the distant cars and occasional rustling of the leaves. It’s kind of strange for there to be silence around me, usually there’s someone loud accompanying me to my apartment, be it my mates or anyone else they’re never silent.  

“I know you’ve got a good soul, I don’t trust you but you have a good soul,” I can’t help but smile and look down, over my arm at her. “You’re very interestin' Mister Stylez,” she says, and if she hadn’t of said my name she could be talking to the stars because she doesn’t move a millimeter.

“And why is that?” I ask and look back up at the sky, I can feel my pants start to get damp from the grass but ignore it as I wait for her answer.

“One minute, you’re a bad-ass flirt under interrogation for muurdur and then you go and protect me from those guys,” she tells me and for the first time she moves. She moves her hand from under her head and reaches up to the sky, pinching at the stars. “Why arenn’t you flirting now?”

“I prefer my girls sober,” I shrug and get up, wiping the wet grass off my butt and hold out my hand for her. She ignores it and tries to get up herself, rolling onto her front she pushes herself up by the arms and onto her knees. She does a pretty good job until she has to go from all fours to just her feet but I catch her.

“I don’t neeeed your help, Stylez,” she says and shoves me off her which puts her off balance so I put my hand on the small of her back to hold her up.

“Dance with me?” I ask her and she looks at me confused.

“But there’ss no muzzzic?”

“That’s alright, here,” I say and pull her arms around my neck so they’re resting there. “Step on my feet,” I whisper in her ear and wrap both arms around her waist. One foot after the other, her feet step on mine and I rock to the side so she knows which foot to lift first. She rests her head on my chest. The truth is, I have a personal rule. I will never, ever go home with a girl who isn’t sober and I will never go home with a girl if I'm not sober. I wouldn't like it if girls took advantage of me when I'm drunk so I don't do it to them. Simple as that. 

"Sing to meee, Stylezzz," she whispers to me as I slowly make my way to the front door with her on my toes. I asked her to dance because even in the state she's in she's as independent as ever. There is no telling her what to do. You have to make her feel like she's the one making the decisions. 

"I can't sing," I choke, she's a pretty small girl but she makes up for it in personality, I guess you could call it small man syndrome. Her head only comes up to my chest which I guess is half the reason why I got so protective. She looked so defenseless and small in her drugged state that I had to step in. 

"Pwease?" She begs in a whisper, and pulls me closer. It's really weird being this... affectionate with a girl without anything sexual being involved - forgetting what happened earlier that is. 

"What do you want me to sing?" I sigh and she pulls away to look at me. 

"Always Be Together, Little Mix" 

"I don't know that song," I say and she lets out a huff.

"Alright, learn it for me?" She whispers and I nod. I finally get her inside after a little more 'dancing'.

"You're a mystery to me, Chavez," I say, she's lying in the middle of my bed with her arms splayed out and the biggest grin on her face. She giggles a little and sits up on her elbows.

Her face goes from a cheeky grin to straight in a second, "Keeps you wanting more, Mister Styles," she teases and it's true. If she were easy to figure out I probably would have dropped her at a hotel somewhere. Or just never even talk to her in the first place. We sit and chat for a while about everything and nothing at the same time until she stops slurring her words and it starts to leave her system. I let her drift off then and I fall asleep on the couch in my room.  


"Harry!" An all too familiar voice screams out to me. It's been haunting my dreams for months. That scream. It belonged to my best friend. It was from that night earlier this year, that night everything changed forever. It's blurry but I can make her out in the distance with a man by her side. 

"Sophia!" I scream back. I try to run. But I can't. I can't move. She's being pulled away. Further away from me. By that man. "Sophia!" I scream again.

Desirae's P.O.V

I wake up to my phone beeping in my bra and I pull it out to see who it was - Walsh. I click "Accept" and squint around the room as my head pounds - not my room. What poor sucker had to put up with me while I was so drunk I can't even remember what happened? I scratch my head and sit up as I listen to the dial tone and find Harry fricken' Styles sleeping on the couch. "Chavez! I need you in the office today - we've found another body," he screams into the phone, I nod in reply even though he can't see and hang up. Oh Shit. 

 Let's do 6 notes again!! I hope you guys are really enjoying this story!! 

Sorry it was so short kind of a filler :) 

Hmm to the right is Harry lying Desirae on the bed and brushing the hair out of her face




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