Chapter | Four

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Hey guys!! You did it again! But you made it to 9 votes!! 



>> to the right is Harry uh.... being sexy ;)

Chapter Four  

I swallow back the content of my stomach and bite the inside of my cheek as I stand up from my crouch position next to the mutilated body. I rest my hands on the back of my neck and look up at the sky to take a few deep breaths, with my eyes closed so tight I just see white stars on the back of my eyelids and the outline of a body. That body. I can’t help but think that the message is meant for me, because the murderer knows this is my case they want me to see this message.  

“What do you – Chavez are you alright?” Officer Pete says as I am doubled over clutching my stomach. My favourite sunglasses are now in a puddle of my own vomit.  

“Why is there always corn? I’ve never eaten corn,” I groan and wipe my mouth with the back of my hand. I turn to see Pete nervously trying to look in every direction other than at me.  

“Do you, ah... Want me to grab you your sunglasses?” He asks me and I shake my head, holding out my hand.  

“Nah babe, they’re a lost cause give me yours,” Without a second thought he gives me his and I slide them on before I almost die from the bruises on my eyes. It's like a hundred fingers prodding at my eye from the inside. “Thanks,” I mutter under my breath.  

“You alright?” He asks me and I nod and wave him off before he gets too close. There’s a chunky bit on my shoe and I sigh as I kick it off. Now all I’ll smell is bloody up chuck the whole day!  

“Yeah bud, just a hang over,” I tell him and he shifts from foot to foot like he’s on hot coals and turns in a circle.  

“Maybe you should go to the doctors,” He finally says and I glare at him and he flinches. Even though he can’t see my eyes he can tell I’m not happy with him. God why does my head hurt so much?  

“Maybe you should shut your face,” I snarl at him. Do all the men I talk to suddenly think they know what I’m thinking, they don’t know me! Next thing I know, little Pete over there will dob on me to Sergeant Walsh and then he’ll tell me I should go to hospital.  


So I’m handcuffed in the back of Pete’s police car on the way to the hospital. The bastard thought it was best for me to go see a professional or some shit. I’m honestly fine. In fact, I even remember some of last night. I remember looking up at the stars; I remember it being unusually starry and clear for London. I remember the prickles of the grass against the back of my arms and legs like pins and needles, and the damp grass soaking into my dress.  

“I can’t believe you dobbed on me,” I groan and slump into the back of the car. I can’t even fold my arms so I literally just have them sprawled on either side of me like I’m still drunk; Which I’m definitely not.  

“I didn’t dob, I simply informed our boss that you were hung-over.” He clarifies and glances up at me in the rear view mirror.  

“Dobbed,” I correct him, and glare out the window. We’re in a traffic jam, which is piled back as far as the eye can see and I grow impatient, “Can we at least stop at my apartment and get me into something more suitable?”  

“Fine but I’m getting it for you, what do you want?”  

“What am I some sort of criminal?! I’m just hung- over that’s it!”  

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