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The rain pelted down ferociously. The wind kicked up and swept everything up if it weren't tied down. The streets were empty, the streetlamps were dead. Thunder clapped and echoed off into the distance. Each house slept silently except the grey one.

The grey one jumped and creaked. It flickered off and on with lights. The lightning licked its slanted roof top. He stood at the end of the steps. The house reeked with fright, with Death. He took heavy steps towards the house, thunder clapping with his rhythmic steps. Lightning flashed and showed his sterile face. He was empty. He was lifeless. He had no heart. He was Death.

He saw the shift of the house as the front door opened. There was only darkness until a blonde piece of color flash past the door. The thunder rumbled and the lightning flashed showing the inside of the house. Inside was a frightened girl, her skin glowed and her blonde hair whipped around her face in distraught.

Intrigued, Death stepped back. No one could see him so he stepped onto the grass.

'My cloak, what a shame.' He thought to himself as the ends of his cloak became wet with the watery grass. The rain whipped around his dark figure and threw itself at the house. The girl ran out of the house. Her lips and her nose tainted with blood. She looked around and heard the door open yet again with a loud bang. She quickly turned around to face whatever threat was behind her.

Screaming she shot off. Her figure becoming distant as she ran into the fog, slipping and becoming drenched in the darkened night.

'Follow her..' A distant voice told him.

Death obliged and floated across the grass and onto the street. He saw her frail figure running, fascinated he got closer to her. Her blonde hair was drenched, in fact every part of her was drenched. Her wet clothes clung to every side of her. Her curves were more noticeable, one part in particular stood out among the rest.

"She's bleeding.." He whispered to himself. Her hip stood out and was bleeding excessively.

She stopped running.

"Who's there!" She screamed out, turning in a circle. Her eyes held desperation as her odor held fear.

'She heard us..'

Death stopped right behind her. He tilted his head at her, obviously she couldn't see him but how could she hear him? Death began to think more about this girl. He began to be bewildered with her. Her eyes wavered at the slightest movement examining each corner, each tree, each land and each house. Satisfied she began to run again.

'Where is she off to?' Death had thought to himself. He scanned the area and couldn't tell where she was going.

He followed her every move, her every turn. Finally he came across of where she was going.

'The train track's.' He looked at the back of her head. Now why on earth would she go there?

'She's going to end her life..'

Death was astonished. Why would she want to do that? She had to have many people begging for her attention, why that? Death asked many questions and was confused why he was acting such a way.

"I am Death, I shouldn't even be second thinking." Yet he was.

He stood watching her. Her eyes were blood shot and her make up was smeared. She shook to the bone and her clothes dripped. Her blood was mixed with the water making it have a pink tint to it as it dripped down on the trains platform.

The train's horn broke him out of his trance of the girls natural beauty and saw her move with the swiftness of elegance and stood on the train track's. The lights of the train hit her, lighting up her teared up eyes. She closed her eyes and waited for the impact.

Death moved with such quickness it surprised even him, he moved in on the girl and engulfed her with his long cloak and shielded her away from the train. The girl screamed as she thought she was seeing Death because she was dead, but no. It was because he was saving her from the train.

"Am I dead?" She asked him.

Death looked down at her. Her water frail eyes held so much pain and desperation in them, he looked away. His own eyes softening at the sight of her.

"You are not dead." He softly told her.

Her eyes looked downwards and she shook with slight anger.

"Why not?" She demanded.

He didn't answer instead he removed himself from her and disappeared into the stormy weather.

Krista stood there, her eyes wondering what had happened. She grabbed her head and screamed. She screamed until a pedestrian jumped down and grabbed her. She twisted and turned in the persons arms and screamed.

"Let go of me!" She yelled, she scratched the person with her nails. He dropped her and she went to run.

"Stop her!" Another man yelled.

She crawled and stumbled to get up. The pedestrians made a circle around her and her eyes held fear and an animals rabidness.

Death watched from afar how the girl made a desperate attempt of escape. He shook his head and began his way back to his work, of ending peoples lives.

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