Chapter 2

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 *Some Mature Content*

She trudged with her head down and hands in her pockets. The rain began to pick up and swirl around her small frame. She knocked twice on the door and looked up and saw the brown door shoot open. In it stood Christian. He smiled and stepped back, illuminating a warm looking foyer. She nodded her head and stepped inside, making sure to take her shoes off before fully entering.

   "Would you like anything to drink?" He asked, smiling warmly. 

She shook her head no, and followed Christian and through the living room and than opened the door to a dark looking basement. 

  "Oh come on bro!" Jake yelled. Leonard gave out a deep laugh. 

 Following Christian down she saw the basement was very messy. Pizza was everywhere, plates were ripped in half and stained clothes were hanging up. Krista gagged and covered her mouth and faked a yawn. Christian looked at her and smirked, and grabbed her wrist, forcefully dragging her to the stained brown love seat. Sitting down and looking up, she took her wrist out of his grasp and began to rub it. 

 "Anything to drink for the lady?" Christian asked jokingly. He smiled but the smile didn't reach his eyes.  Krista shook her head and looked down. She could feel Christians heavy gaze on her. Krista heard Leonard and Jake stop playing there game and put down the controllers. The two boys stood up and walked to Christian who was still standing, and looked down at Krista. 

 The only thing that could be heard was her breathing and the sound of dripping water. She felt all 6 eyes on her and got up, ready to leave the basement. Jake stepped forward and pushed her back down. 

  "We won't hurt you." Leonard stated. 

"We just want to hang out." Christian remarked. 

Jake sat down slowly on the couch and looked at her, tossing his arm around her shoulders. Krista stiffened and saw Leonard move to her right and sit down on her other side, than Christian crouch down in front of her. He put his hands on her thighs and forcefully shoved her legs apart. Krista took a sharp intake of breath and tried closing her legs but Christian held them firmly apart. He began to move inwards and Jake and Leonard wrapped there hands around her biceps and held her in place. Struggling, Krista fought and struggled against their grips. 

   Jake moved his hands and up her thighs towards the zipper of her jeans. He slowly let his hand slide down and grab her lower thigh. She let out a scream and closed her eyes, writhing in disgust. 

  She started to scream and was then slapped from the left side. Jake had hit her. She bit her tongue to prevent her screaming out in pain and Jake started his hands up to the button of her  jean and slowly undid it. He let his hands fall to her zipper and unzip her painfully slowly. His hands wandered back down to the hem of her jeans and began to tug.  

  'No, no please..' She sobbed silently. 

He started to tug gently but than quickened his pace. The boys on either side of her loosened their grip on her, growing drowsy from how slow Jake was going. 

  "Quicken the pace Jake, We don't have all night." Christian seethed. 

Jake growled and looked up. Just in time for Krista to kick him in the face. He fell backwards hitting the end of a table. Krista got up, and started to run but was tripped by Jake's hand coming to grab her ankle. Falling she looked back and saw Leonard coming and Christian behind him with a knife in his right hand. Her eyes widened and she struggled to get up. Jake did some serious damage on her ankle. She finally managed to get up but was grabbed by Leonard. Turning around she swung at him blindly. She managed to get a few good punches but he landed a blow on the side of her stomach. 

  She screamed out, clutching her side she looked up and kicked Leonard between his legs. He cried out clutching his manhood and fell to his knees. She grabbed him by the head and kneed him continuously in the face until she was grabbed and slashed on the other side of her body. 

  "Ah!" She screamed falling. He grabbed her forearm and brought her up to his face. Noses touching. 

 "Don't think I'm finished with you." He seethed. 

He brought up the knife, but she grabbed his wrist and punched him in the face with what strength she had, his head snapped back and his grip weakened on the knife. She threw the knife, her face beginning to dampen with sweat. Running up the stairs and slowing to a walk she began to pull her shoes on and managed to open the door. Her eyes struggled to stay open. She swayed and tripped over nothing. She fell and her eyes closed.

She awoke moments later and heard booming steps come from the living room. Panting she got up and ran as fast as she could out into the pounding rain. Her hair was drenched in minutes and her body closely followed. Her shirt was stained with blood and she let out a piercing scream and was drowned out by the storm.

 "She's bleeding.." A distant voice whispered.

Krista's breath caught in her throat. She slowly turned in a 360 and observed every living or non living thing surrounding her. 

  "Who's there!" She screamed. Krista observed every inch of the property's but nobody was there.  

  Turning she continued to run, run to her death. 

  Her body was drenched and her side ached. Krista was losing her vision and she stumbled. The lights were blurry and flashed different colors. Everything went right and everything went left. She stumbled and heard the trains whistle. Krista managed to stumble and slowly make her way to the middle of the train platform. Closing her eyes she stumbled and allowed the trains light to hit her. The trains horn was now blaring, It was a warning. A warning to get out of the way. Krista let the tears fall and slide down her cheeks. 

  The horn seemed to begin to drown and form into an underwater sound. The lights were murky, and the train seemed to be going through her.  She looked up and screamed. In front of her was a a dark hue, no face. Krista was seeing Death. 

  "Am I dead?" She asked softly, looking up at the faceless thing. 

He slowly emerged from his hood, and he glowed up in darkness.

His dark hair was tinted with rain and his blue eyes illuminated the area around us. 

 "You are not dead." He softly replied. 

Krista's face contorted with anger and she began to beat her fist against his chest. 

 "Why not!" She demanded. 

Instead he looked down at her and disappeared. 

She screamed and fell to her knees. She curled up and allowed herself to cry until someone touched her. Jumping up she looked at the pudgy man and scratched at him. 

  "Someone get her!" 

People began to crowd around Krista. Her anxiety taking over. She fought and wheezed. Her would giving more blood while she fought. Her breathing came to a pant and she started to sway, finally she fell, succumbing herself to darkness.

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