Chapter 4

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Doctor Vapula watched Krista with curious eyes. She felt uncomfortable with his strong gaze upon her. Trying to calm her heart rate down, she clenched and un-clenched her feet, than her calves, and worked her way up her body in trying to calm herself down. Finally she reached her fingers and slid back down her bed.

"We're glad you're finally awake, your parents have been worried." Vapula said, looking down at his clipboard. The sound of his pen clicking made Krista jump, Causing Vapula to glance up and then back down.

"I see this isn't the first run in we have with you?" His eyes, burned into her. Krista shook her head, ashamed but not guilty. She began to speak but was cut off by Doctor Vapula.

"Well your parents have informed us that they will be sending you to a rehabilitation center, since they can't afford anymore hospital bills they just want to to pay with a one and done deal. We do know however that your birthday is coming up so we will be allowing you a release by tomorrow." He half smiled.

"Y-you can't do that!" She yelled throwing the covers off of her. Vapula looked alarmed as she began to tear the needles in her arm, off of her and pull herself up. Krista got up and out of bed, struggling to remain standing she held the wall for support.

"Nurse!" Vapula yelled, grabbing Krista he tried leading her back to bed.

"Get off of me!" She shook her arm viciously in an attempt to get him off. Krista's eyes were wild and her mouth was parched from the lack of water she hasn't had. Vapula tried pinning her down, her wrists above her head and his legs trapping her inside. He stared into her eyes, making her feel nauseous until an unknown force threw him against the wall. The wall had a dent, and a crackdown the middle of it. Vapula regained his strength and looked around, shock evident on his face.

The nurse finally showed up with a needle filled serum in hand, and punctured Krista in her bicep. Quickly filling her with a sleeping medicine, Krista began to feel dizzy and fell to her knees, trying to stay awake. Her vision began to tear up and then her eyelids felt heavy. Finally she succumbed to the darkness.


The stench of cleaner woke Krista up from her slumber. The monitors continuous beep, show the doctors that Krista was still alive and breathing normally. Krista yawned and stretched her hands above her head, wincing at the pain she felt in her middle abdomen. Looking around her room, she studied the white that surrounded her.

White chairs, with silver arm rests and a white seat. Stained sheets laid on the white dresser, and the white tiled floor was dotted with gray dots. The light entering her room, allowed her to see the soft particles airily going around her room. Her room was very dull and drafty.

"I should get a nurse to warm my room." She mumbled to herself.

Krista threw the covers back, and turned herself. Her feet dangled from the mattress and she braced for a hopefully steady stand up. Breathing in, she pushed herself off the mattress. The floor was cold underneath her, numbing her petite but wide feet. Sneaking over to the glass window, she opened the two blinds and looked out. The hospital wing she was in was dead, with receptionists playing games or talking on the phone with their boyfriends. No one was standing outside her door. Cautiously she turned the knob and looked outside. The hallway was dark and light in certain places, giving it a haunting feel.

The only sound in the hall was her feet against the cool tire floor. Going up to the large circular desk she looked down at the receptionist.

"Can I help you?" The brunette receptionist asked.

Krista looked at the long hair brunette and saw that she had a lip piercing and large circular glasses.

"Umm, yes, It is kind of cold in my room so I was just curious if you could come and raise the temperature a bit?"

"Oh why of course! My apologies, I guess the cleaning ladies turned it down." The woman got up out of her swivel chair and walked around the desk. Her 5 inch heels, clicking on the tile. Krista looked over and saw that her room blinds were shut fully, giving total privacy. With this, Krista devised a plan. The lady walked into her room and went across to the thermostat. Krista shut the door with a quiet click and grabbed a silver serving plate and walked up to the back of the receptionist. She raised the plate above her head and wailed it down on top of the woman.

The woman let out a grunt but went soundlessly down. Krista crouched down and slowly began to undress the woman and replaced her with her hospital gown. Getting up, Krista looked around and found a green cap. Stuffing her blond hair, Krista grabbed the receptionist and threw the top of her on the bed and then her legs. Breathing heavily, Krista straightened her out. And tossed the cover over her. Bringing the cap over her eyes, Krista walked out of her room and looked both ways. Coast clear. Putting her head down, she stuffed her hands in the pockets and walked quickly to the elevator. Pushing the button, she waited and turned her head left. Doctor Vapula was outside her door, going over her records. Feeling someone stare at him he looked up. Putting her head back down. She felt the elevator was taking to long and sped walked to the stairs and then heard,

"Guards!" Vapula threw open the door, and ran to the where the lady was just standing. She was Krista.

Propelling herself down the stairs, Krista ran the 3 flights of stairs and threw open the main lobby door. She saw the rows of chairs against the wall and the receptionists desk and hurriedly made herself look busy.

"Excuse me miss, can we please se-"

"That's her!" Krista heard Vapula yell and dashed towards the closing doors, a receptionist must have put the siren on for the doors were closing faster and Krista knew they wouldn't have opened back up if she didn't make it. She felt the lick of the guards heels behind her and decided to make a quick decision. Krista jumped through the doors. Her shoe got stuck and the door was beginning to crush her foot. Pushing the shoe to the other side, she had one shoe off and one on. Sprinting she saw the main road next to the hospital, and ran into the middle of it.

"If I'm lucky I may just get hit." She thought to herself. Both the left and right lane weren't busy but she saw a semi-truck and decided that would be it. Her escape. Hiding behind a bush, Krista waited until it was close enough where he couldn't stop and then threw herself out in front of it. The man honked his horn and went to hit her, but she flew out of the way.

Krista heard the honk and felt the headlights upon herself, and smiled.


"No!" A man screamed, pushing her out of the trucks way. The hit tossed her back into the bush and she rolled to a stop. Looking up she was met with illuminating blue eyes, yet again.

"What is it with you! You're supposed to let me die!" She sobbed and looked away.

His soft hand touched her cheek and fell away. Tugging her hand, she stood up, the world a blur.

"Close your eyes." His deep voice rang against her ears. Closing her eyes, she felt a force pushing against her chest and as fast as it was there, it was gone. She opened her eyes, and was in her room. Looking around she ran into her bathroom and looked into the mirror. Her hair was greasy and her eyes had black bags under them. Jumping she heard the bang of a door, and peeked out her bathroom door. 

                "Why are you home?" Her grandmother asked.  

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2016 ⏰

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