Chapter 1

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Her breath caught in the air, her shoes tapping gently on the pavement. The summer air blew her blonde hair back. Goosebumps rose upon her thin tanned arms. She held her arms tightly against her binders and stared at the large building staring back at her. The bell sounded and she quickly ran to the doors.

Grunting she pulled the doors open. The halls stood silent. Krista crept towards her first period class and managed to open the door without any noise. Looking around she saw Mrs.Almetti turned towards the desk quietly rummaging through her drawers. Slipping in, Krista quietly ran towards her seat next to her friend Julie.

"Ms.Krista what a great time or you to join us! May I ask why you are late?" It was more of a demand then question. Krista looked around to see other students turning in there seats, intrigued at watching the debate unfold.

"Well Mrs.Almetti, I uh I missed the bus you see and.." Her mouth became dry as sand and her eyes diverted every where but the teacher. "I had to walk." She smiled.

Mrs. Almetti raised her eyes brows and began to walk, her heels clicking on the white tiles. The students seem to turn with each step passing there row. She leaned forward and put her hands on Krista's desk.

"Last time I checked you only live a couple blocks down from the school." Mrs.Almetti smirked and leaned backed up. The other classmates began to snicker and turn back around as the teacher made her way up to the board.

"Now as I was saying.."

The bell rang signaling the end of her 5th period class. Krista shot up and out of the room. Entering the bland halls she walked over to her locker. The murmurs of other students were deafening as she traded her Geometry binder with English binder. A yell came down the hallway.

"Krista!" Her friend, Julie waved her hand frantically in the air. Bumping and shouldering people out of the way she slammed Krista's locker shut and leaned against it.

"Miss me?" She smiled.

"No." Krista responded turning away and walking to her next class. A grunt was heard than thunderous steps. Turning around Krista was knocked down by Julie.

Both on the ground they began laughing and giggling uncontrollably. Students walked past, eyeing them with distaste. Not many stopped to look fearing themselves being late. Krista felt her eyes tearing and she slowly picked herself up. Offering a hand to Julie, she picked her up off the ground and they both walked to there classes.

-45 Minutes.-

The bell rang signaling lunch. Krista opened her locker and shoved everything in the tiny compartment on top. Grabbing 3 dollars she slammed her locker shut and walked to the cafeteria. The voices mixed with each other in the large eating room, grabbing a plate she bounced on to the line. Male voices were heard behind her.

"Hey Krista!" Jake came up to her and draped an arm around her shoulder. Turning she saw Jake, Christian and Leonard, the three douchekateers she liked to call them. Krista grabbed his finger and returned his arm to his side. Walking with the plate she grabbed a fruit cup and a water bottle. Going to the lunch lady she payed for her lunch and sat down at her table.

Julie was talking about a party when the douchekateers came and sat down next to them. They slid in on both sides trapping us both. Julie rolled her eyes and Krista slid closer to Julie.

"What do you want?" Julie asked annoyed.

"Well we were wondering if you would like to come over tonight?" Asked Leonard.

Julie sighed and looked up.

"Can't I have an essay to type." She shrugged.

"Krista?" Christian looked over at her.

"If I agree to come over will you stop bothering us?" Krista asked,gesturing to both her and Julie.

"Deal!" They all agreed.

The boys all left the table and left Julie and Krista alone.

"Why'd you agree to go?" Julie asked.

Krista shrugged and snatched Julie's other half of her sandwich and smiled before taking a bite.

"Hey!" Julie yelled, and leaned over trying to take it back.

The girls laughed and were messing around the rest of lunch before the bell rang. Giggling the girls got up and went to finish their classes.

Krista swung the front door of the school open and walked out. Bringing her bag closer to her, Krista walked to her mother's car that waited for her at the curb. Opening the BMW's red door she ducked and got in.

"Hi." Krista smiled at her mom. Her mom was on the phone and gave a brief smile before returning to her blue-tooth. Sighing Krista stared at the window, looking at the green blur whirl by.

'Was it a good idea?' She asked herself, reflecting back on today's conversation.Shaking her head she decided not to second guess herself. Her mom parked in the driveway, leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. Getting out Krista waved good bye to her mother and walked inside the house.

Taking her shoes off she jogged upstairs and shut her bedroom door close. Leaning against the door she let out a sigh.

Walking towards her bed, Krista tossed her bag and flopped down on her bed. Turning she saw it was 5:30 and she had probably an hour and a half until she was expected to go over. Flopping over she reached for her book bag. Her fingers grazed the top but couldn't reach it.

'Oh well. " Krista thought to herself before turning and falling asleep.

Her phone buzzed. Jolting awake Krista reached for it. Her eyes squinted when they were hit with the brightness.

"Are you coming?"
Groggily, Krista texted back.
"On my way."

Getting up she began to rummage in her drawers before her mother screamed at her to quiet down.

Looking at the clock, Krista saw it was 11 at night. Her eyes bulged out of there sockets. Checking her phone she saw they purposely sent the text.

Shrugging Krista pulled on a black hoodie and sneaked out her window.

The air was heavy with precipitation and Krista wondered why it was such a crappy night. Kicking a pebble she looked up and saw Jake's house sitting in the dark.

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