An England, France & America love Square if you count Toni...

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  • Dedicated to Hetalians everywhere

Disclaimer stuff: I don't own hetalia(how many times have I written that?!).

Enjoy!!... And if you value your secret cookie stash don't copy this TT

Btw. When I say England I mean Fem-England... :) I'm not really a fan of yaoi...

#diary form!! Don't like?? Don't read!!;) jokes... Please read... Please?? I'm going to stop talking now before I lose all my followers... :L


19th of March 20:29.

There are people in this world I respect. -cough-America-cough...

And then there are people in this world I absolutely despise. -cough-France-cough...

Though I would never say it to his face I believe that if everyone were a little bit more like me- England, or America, the world would be a better place.

Sure, the world would need to stock up on burgers and such meats but at least they would have all the fine ENGLISH cooks to cook them all... And no one with cheese breath. And by that I mean France.

What America and I share is way more... Erm... "L'amoir-ish" than anything France will ever experience! Me and America are close!


Sometime in April... Or March... I think... Look dudes! It's spring! That's all that matters!

I'm not sure what England is implying, as in the way she bats her eyebrows at me... And stuff... But seriously dude! That will N.E.V.E.R happen, I mean, me and Toni are close...

Me and Toni forever y'all!!


19 March, around 9.

England is annoying the bejesus out of me! The way she rolls her eyes every time I speak... Asdfghjkl Sorry, It's so annoying... She thinks every word I say is complete crap, especially if its about 'ze love of ze nations'. Well I'm not making it up! It's true! All you need is love! I knew what it was like to love once, I loved Joan... I still do...

I'm going to go and sit in the corner and grow mushrooms for a while and see if that helps things...


23rd of March 19:32

Well... I took that waaaay to far...


France was going on about how beautiful he was and the 'sophistication of l'amour' when, on the spur of the moment (as my consumer studies teacher would say) I shouted at him to shut up (also to stop messing with my needle work) alas, he didn't get a clue, and started shouting back at me, which was cool because arguing is our way of communicating but unlike our usual arguments, this time I accidentally mentioned Joan, and how it was his fault she was killed... And well... I don't think he took it to well. I started to take it back when he picked up a vase (where did that come from?!) and with his blue eyes sparkling with tears, threw it at the wall beside my head. his eyes narrowed as he tried to blink away the tears, only causing one of then to run down his cheek, began to say something- closed his mouth again and then turned tail, at the same time knocking the chair he had been sitting on not even five minutes ago against the wall, knocking two of the legs off, and head tailed it out of the room as fast as lightning.

I knew France's exceptional aim and knew that if he wanted to he could have hit me with that vase, it would have been only to easy for him, at least I haven't driven him to far, I thought to my self. L.U.C.K.Y. I was also pretty shocked, I hadn't thought France was so sensitive...

America then looked up at me from where he was sitting, reading a green lantern comic, his eyes wide in shock. He stood up suddenly, his collectors edition of green lantern sliding to the ground with a soft thump.

'What did you do that for?!' Asked America, his mouth gaping.

'He had it coming,' I replied, trying not to sound guilty.

'But Joan?!' He said, 'you really overdid it this time...'

'Look, ge-'

'No,' said America in a rough voice, 'you look, that was not necessary, how would you like it if he,' his voice wobbled slightly, 'brought up the American revolution...'

'But America-'

'No buts dudette, no more buts, that was low, really low.' (a/n those butts were toooo low...XD Sorry ill stop interrupting) 'you were there those few months after she died, do you want him to go through that again? Not even you could be that heartless.'

He turned and walked out of the room, looking like a real hero, a real angry hero.

He was taking this to far, both of them were... Stupid France, way to mess up everything me and America had...


It's the...erm... Thirty something-th of March, I found that out while sitting outside France's room playing Angry Russia's on my smartphone. Can I get a whoot whoot?

How could England be so thoughtless? If she thinks there is anything left between us (not that there was anything there in the first place but anyway) she is soooo wrong, more wrong than the PruAus pairing... And that's pretty wrong. (in my opinion...). So utterly wrong. I spent the last day sitting outside France's room (like the hero I am) trying to coax him out. He didn't reply once. Not once. Did he even go in to his room...? I think so... Although it does seem unnaturally quiet in there... Seriously, this matter is depressing, as Poland would say, like, OMG, TOTALLY!!!


Yep so I'm going to leave it at that :) thanks for reading I will add another part to it if there is enough interest :) I hoped you enjoyed it??!

Please vote, comment and share... If you liked it that is :D

My aim is to get 100 reads, 50 votes and 25 comments on the book :) please help me by reading, voting and commenting!!:) thank you!!! Love you all :)

L :) x

Ps have you seen the best song ever?! It really is, the best song ever :D

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2013 ⏰

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