Million Dollar Baby (Chapter 2)

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On the side there is Tanner --------------------> :D


*Chapter two*

"I don't want to sound rude, Jourden, but can I ask why you're here?" My dad asked as he stood in the doorway of my new room.

I sighed and turned to face him. I played with my fingers to avoid his gaze as I sat down on the bed. I eventually patted the spot next to me and looked up at him.

He looked confused but came over and sat next to me anyway. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong... Depending on how you look at it. I just thought you'd might want to be sitting down when I told you. It's a bit of a shock."

He looked worried now. "Just tell me, Jourden."

"Okay. I'm pregnant." There. I said it. Rather bluntly, but he had to know and there was no point in beating around the bush. He was going to know sooner or later anyway. Well, maybe later because it would take a while for me to start showing but that's beside the point...

I looked up to see him staring at the wall ahead of us with a blank look on his face. "Dad?" I asked tentatively and laid a hand on his forearm. He flinched and looked at me.

"Sorry. I was just thinking. You're pregnant?" He asked in a monotonous voice. I expected him to be screaming at me. This behaviour scared me more, I think.



"That's it?" I asked incredulously. Now some emotion started to show on his face. Anger, sadness, and disappointment. The last one made my chest ache a little. I didn't want my dad to be disappointed in me.

"Yes, that's it, Jourden. What do you want me to say? It's happened, it's done. There's nothing I can do about it and yelling at you won't change anything. I'm just really disappointed in you." I hung my head in shame.

"I know, daddy," I sniffed, the little girl in me coming out, as I cuddled up next to him on my bed and rested my head on his shoulder. He wrapped his right arm around my shoulder and kissed the top of my head. "I'm sorry. It was an accident. I won't call my baby a mistake, and you know I don't like abortions. I was thinking about adoption, but I'd never be able to give up my baby knowing that he/she would always be out there and I didn't get a chance to know them."

"I understand. I just hope you know how difficult this is going to be. No more partying and staying out late. You'll have to get a job and work for as long as you can before you get too big to be on your feet all the time, okay?" I nodded. My dad had more than enough money to take care of me but I think he was trying to tell me that I couldn't always depend on him. That someone was going to be depending on me in less than a year.

"I don't want to say you're life is over now, but it will be extremely hard for you, what with school and everything."

"Yeah." I sighed. My dad kissed my head one more time and got up from the bed.

"Get some rest. I'll get you enrolled at your new school as soon as possible." He walked out, closing the door behind him and I laid down and thought about everything he'd said. My life would be extremely hard now balancing school, a job, and a baby. Especially when that baby was going to be fatherless.

I forced myself not to cry anymore but I couldn't help the few tears that escaped my eyes and made their way down my face. Eleven years of our relationship down the drain because of one secret. A secret that I didn't know anything about. Obviously, because it was a secret...

For the first time ever, I cried myself to sleep.


"Morning, Sweetie." My dad greeted me with a sympathetic smile, as his watchful eyes looked over my face. He was probably noticing how red and puffy my eyes were from crying all night.

"Morning," I replied stiffly as I trudged to the fridge and got the milk and cranberry juice out. I grabbed a bowl and a box of cereal and sat down. Once I was settle, I started eating avoiding my dad's gaze as I knew he wanted to talk some more. I knew he was going to ask about the baby's father.

After a few more minutes of tense silence and nothing but the sound of my cereal crunching, I spoke up. "Just ask me, dad."

He laughed sheepishly, and scratched the back of his head. "Sorry, I don't want to make you talk about it. I'm just curious. What happened with the father?"

I tried really hard not to roll my eyes or sigh because it wasn't my dad's fault I was in such a pissy mood. The subject- or person rather- that we were discussing however, made my blood heat. In a voice barely above a whisper, I recounted yesterday's event's to my dad.

When I was done, it looked like my blood wasn't the only one boiling. My dad looked furious. "I ought'a go down there and ring that little punk's neck." I almost laughed at my dad's threat but I just couldn't muster up enough energy to even crack a smile.

"Don't worry about it. I don't need him." My dad looked at me skeptically. Even he knew that was a lie. He knew how long Tanner and I'd been together.

"You know I'll help you as much as I can right?" He asked reaching over and grabbing my hand.

"I know, dad." I said squeezing his hand in return and finishing my cereal.

"Good," He pulled his hand back and picked up the paper again. "I call the school this morning and talked to the guidance counselor. You start on Monday." I nodded. Today was Friday so I had three days to get used to this town and maybe go shopping. Then I could go job hunting.

"Okay, I think I'm gonna look for a job today." I put my bowl in the sink and headed up to have a shower.

Today, I was going to officially put Tanner Knightly behind me.


Third part uploaded and 2 days. LOL. Anyway vote and comment please. :D

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