Million Dollar Baby (Chapter 3)

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Okay...continue on reading <3

Oh and over there is Chloe ---------------------------->





*Chapter 3*

"Smile and don't look so stiff. People are staring, you know." Chloe said as she held my hand. I looked around at all the people staring at us and I almost cringed. I could see some of the judgemental stares that they were giving us.

I bet they were wondering where Jourden and why I was holding hands with her best friend. I hated what I was going to have to tell everyone because it would ruin Jourden's name. She'd never forgive me for this.

I clenched my jaw and looked to see Chloe staring me in my face. I never thought I could hate someone as much as I hated her right now. She made me do this, I didn't want to. It was all for Jourden's own good.

"Let's go," I bit out and started walking. When she didn't look like she was going to follow, I squeezed her hand tightly, while turning and giving her a death glare. Her eyes widened for a minute before she composed her face back to her calm, cool, and bitchy one. Once her feet started moving, I tugged on her hand forcefully almost making her fall over.

"Asshole," She hissed. I shrugged, but still smiled, aware of the many pairs of eyes that were still watching us.

"I hope you didn't expect me to be the perfect boyfriend," I snapped. "News Flash: I don't even like you. In fact, I hate you." For a minute her eyes flashed with hurt and I almost felt bad, but then I remembered what she was making me do and then I didn't give a damn whether her feelings were hurt or not. I wasn't raised to treat women the way that I just treated her but she deserved it.

"Whatever," She said breezily as we continued walking to the front school doors. As predicted, as soon as we showed up in the halls we were bombarded with questions from our friends.

"What the hell is this?" One of Jourden's closest friends said whilst frowning at me.

"What's it look like?"

"It looks like you're holding hands with Chloe, who may I add, is not your girlfriend."

"She is now. Turns out Jourden was just a lying whore. She cheated on me." I said and watched as their faces all turned white with shock.

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