Million Dollar Baby (Chapter 11)

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Lol, do not write me telling me I wrote/spelled something wrong. I already know.

Thanks, now enjoy! <3






*Chapter 11*

~2 years later~




"Mommy," I felt little hands shaking me as I laid face down on my bed. I was exhausted. I had gotten very little sleep last night. When I got off work I had to go pick Noelle up from Noah's mom's house because she watched her for me as I had to work, my dad had to work, and Noah went to school.


Then when I got home I had to get her in the bath and put to bed. I had to make myself something to eat as Noelle had already eaten, and then I had to do some school work. I took college classes online because I couldn't go away. There would be no one here to watch Noelle and she was my responsibility. Besides, there was nothing stopping me from getting my degree, I would not use my daughter as an excuse to be lazy.


"Mommy!" She whined again, this time tugging on my ponytail a little.


"Yes?" I turned over and asked as patiently as I could. It wasn't her fault I was so tired. She sniffled as she wiped her eyes with her little balled up fists. I sat up concerned now. "What's wrong, baby?" I asked wiping the rest of her tears from her cheeks with my fingers.

"The kitty bited me, mommy," she cried and hugged me, burying her face in my stomach. I rubbed her back soothingly and tried to hold back a smile.

"I've told you that you can't grab his tail and make airplane noises," I chuckled and kissed the top of her blond head. "You'll be alright-", My words got interrupted with yawn. The next thing I knew another blond head peeped into my room.

"Hey, Noah," I said confused. "What're you doing here?"

"No classes today. I thought I'd come over and help you out a little since I know you have to be exhausted." I smiled gratefully at him.

"And this is why you are my best friend," I grinned up at him. Noelle pulled her head up and looked at me with her big blue eyes.

"I not you best fwiend, mommy?" I laughed at her broken dialogue, then kissed her forehead.

"No," I said and her face fell which almost made me feel bad. "Because you are my bestest best friend." She grinned hugely showing her little baby teeth. I yawned again and Noah noticed. He stepped into the room already reaching to grab Noelle.

"Come on, Angel, mommy has to sleep." He grabbed her under her arms and picked her up. She turned to frown at me.

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