Million Dollar Baby (Chapter 6)

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Hey! Sorry for taking so long but it's around that time! guess it. Term Paper time! Yay! (in my sarcastic voice).

So that's where all my time has been. Researching and writing my fingers to near numbness. lol

Anyway here it is and it's very short but I wanted to put at least something up. <33



*Chapter 6*

"Yo, guys!" Noah yelled as we got closer to the group. They continued to carry on and laugh so loud I don't even think they'd heard him.

We stood in silence watching them and hoping they would notice us and be quiet but they didn't. Then Tina brought her fingers to her lips and did a loud whistle. "Shut up!" She snapped and immediately all attention was on us. Mainly me.

"Who's this?" One guy spoke up. He had dark hair and brown eyes. He was cute I decided as I looked him over. 

"Well that's what we're trying to tell you, if only you and your gang of idiots would be quiet." Tina scolded as she stared him down.

"Tell on," He gestured widely and them mimed zipping his lips shut and throwing away the key. I had a feeling he was the clown of the group and the ones behind him were the followers. Tina seemed like the one who was always scolding them and telling them off, while Noah was just like a mediator or something.

Tina rolled her eyes before turning to me. "Jourden, this idiot is Trey. Trey," She turned back to him. "Jourden. She's new and no she doesn't want to be your girlfriend."

I laughed slightly as Trey cocked his eyebrows at her arrogantly. "Everyone wants to be my girlfriend.  You want to be, right?" He said cockily and coming to wrap his arm around me. However, just as it was about to come to rest on my shoulder, it was roughly shoved away from me. 

I turned to see Noah scowling at him. "Piss off, dude."

Tina cracked up as she watched Trey's insulted face. I smirked slightly when his eyes rested on Noah and he got an annoyed look on his face. "Whatever," He huffed and then smiled slightly at me. "I was joking of course, but you can't do that around the Mr. Fun Police here." He jerked his thumb at Noah who scowled at him.

"Anyway, the others are Mikey, Nick, Cody and Ryan." She pointed them each out to me and we said hello to each other. 

"Let's finish showing you around." Noah said grabbing my hand and pulling me away from them. I hald turned and gave a wave over my shoulder. 


Noah ended up making me late to homeroom, which he didn't have with me, and so I had to show up by myself. I knew this was just going to be so embarrassing and awkward to have to walk in with all eyes on me.

I took a deep breath and did two quick knocks on the door before opening it. I didn't want to have a repeat incident like with my car. Speaking of which, Noah still had my keys...

I stepped into the brightly lit classroom, which just had to have a lot of people in it. Weren't homeroom's supposed to be small? The small, stocky teacher at the front of the room looked up at me from over her reading glasses. She was sitting behind her desk, taking attendance it looked like. "And you are?" She addressed me in a bored tone.

"J-jourden," I stuttered. "I'm new." I said slowly walking towards her and handing her my schedule. 

"So it seems. Have a seat." She gestured to an empty seat right smack in the middle of the class, then handed me back my schedule. I held in a groan as I started walking to my seat. Of course all eyes were on me which was making me extremely nervous. 

"Excuse me," I muttered lowly to a guy whose feet were sticking out in the aisle. He smirked at me for a second but moved his feet out of the way. I could feel his eyes on my back as I walked passed.

I finally made it to my seat and quickly sat down. I slumped in my seat trying to make myself look smaller as to not bring anymore attention to myself. Of course it didn't work as I fought the urge to roll my eyes when people actually turned around in their seats- from way in the front of the classroom- just to see me.

It must be a big thing to get a new student around here by the way they're staring at me like I'm some alien. I mean, it was  small town but jeez...

"Hey," I snapped up to the see the guy who had kept his feet in the aisle, turned around backwards in his seat, smiling at me. He was chewing on a straw.

"Yes?" I said quietly.

He pulled the nasty, chewed up, saliva covered straw from his mouth. I shivered slightly in disgust. "What's your name?"


"Cute." He smirked. "You should go out with me." He wasn't even asking. He just put the straw back in his mouth and leaned his back against the desk with his hands resting on the back of the chair. He looked completely at ease as if he already knew I was going to say yes.

We'll he couldn't have been more wrong. "No, thanks." I dismissed him. I heard a few people snicker and he shot them all nasty looks before turning his glare on me.

"What do you mean no?"

"No, I don't want to go out with you." I repeated slowly as if he were dumb.

"Yeah, well-"

"Mr. Marks please turn around and stop disrupting my class. And leave the new student alone." The teachers voice rang from up front. Mr. Marks, as the teacher called him since I still don't know his name, turned around in his seat but not before giving me a look that said that this clearly wasn't over.

I sighed for the long day to come ahead of me.

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