Million Dollar Baby (Chapter 7)

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Very short. Very boring. And very bad. 

I had a major writer's block, I still have it. I just don't know what to write for this story! I'll figure it out eventually. 

Anyways hope you like it anyway. <3


*Chapter 7*

The bell rang after that long a dreadful class, and I was about ready to skip the rest of the day and it was only first period. I had no one I knew in my class so far so hopefully second period I'll have more luck.

I walked out of the classroom with my head down looking over my schedule. Next I had Anatomy and Physiology. I wanted to be a Doctor so instead of taking some easy Science class that would get me an easy grade, I picked that. It would help me in College where I would need to take that class over anyway since I didn't get credit for it. It wasn't an AP class.

I looked up just in time as I was about to slam into Noah. He grinned at me. "Hey, Newbie. How'd your first class go?"

"Surprisingly well." I smiled back at him.

"Good for you. So what do you have next?"

"Anatomy and Physiology. You?"

"Oh, I feel bad for you. I heard that class was hard. And I have Chemistry, by the way."

"It can't be that bad," I chuckled. "So what are you here to walk me to my class, my little personal tour guide?" I smirked.

"You bet your cute ass I am." I blushed a deep shade of red and turned my head away from him, while smiling nervously. Why did he have to go and say that? I was holding up a conversation that didn't have me stuttering like a fool and I was actually proud of my witty bantering with him. Now it was going to be so awkward.

"Um..." I nervously scratched the back of my neck while peeking at him from the corner of my eye. He was smiling widely as he looked at me.

"You're so cute." He chuckled. "Let's hurry up though, I don't want you to be late to your class again." He smiled at me sheepishly.


I arrived at my class, with a minute to spare and actually got a good seat. I so did not want to be smack in the middle of the room again with all eyes on me. I picked a seat that was at the back and next to the window. I had a perfect view of the sports fields and the track where the gym class went when it was warm outside. I could also watch everyone else without getting caught staring like a moron.

I watched as the class filled up and prayed to God that the obnoxious jerk from last period wasn't in here. I mean, I didn't want to sound rude but I didn't think he would be in here anyway. This class seemed a little hard for him. Then again, they tell you not to judge a book by its cover...

"Hello," I turned to see a small blond girl peering at me from behind her designer glasses. "You're in my seat." She said.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'll get up-"

"No," She laughed lightly and sat down in the chair next to me. "Don't worry about it.” She pushed her glasses up more and turned to look at me. “So you’re new here. What’s your name?”

“Jourden.” I smiled politely at her.

“Oh, I’m Katie.”

“Hey,” I felt comfortable talking to her. She had this vibe about her that just made you feel relaxed. She and I talked up until the bell rang and when I walked out into the hallway to meet Noah ,we were still talking.

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