One Last Memory of Kagome Jack

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(Y/n)'s POV

I was running.. Running for my life. I was bitten.. And it was hurting like fucking hell..

"(Y/n)-chan!~ There's no use in hiding from me!~ I have your scent!" Jack yelled out, leaving me in my fear.

"How did this happen..? We were having the best time day! And it turned out like this!" I muttered out.

If you're wondering what's going on... I might as well start here...

{Hours Earlier: Ten O'clock AM}

I woke up to see Jack off his side of the bed. Sitting up, I looked around to see note.

My Dear (Y/n),
   I've been told to go on a quick run. I'll be back in time to take you out to brunch. There's some (favorite food) in the kitchen that I had gotten for you. See you soon.

I smiled softly at his note. I quickly out up, took a quick shower and changed into blue leggings at matched my dark grey shirt, with my (favorite color) boots and a black scarf.

Walking into our kitchen, I saw (favorite food) and my mouth started to water.

"It looks so good.. I wanna eat it all in one bite.." I said, my eyes glued onto the food. "But, I should save some for later.. I don't want Jack to waste is money just cause of me.." I muttered under my voice. I shrugged and got a little bit of (favorite food) and put the rest in the refrigerator, eating. Looking at the time, I realized that it's close to ten.

"Why do I wake up so late..?" I told myself, sighing.

"I don't know, maybe cause we cuddle together each night.." A voice whispered in my ear.

"Jack-kun !" I turned around and hugged him, giggling a bit.

"Hey (Y/n)-chan. Miss me already? I was only gone for three hours.." Jack told me, moving his arms around my waist as he rested his forehead against mine.

"Well, I wasn't greeted the way I usually do, so yes. I missed you." I said, kissing his cheek softly.

"I'm sorry.. The boss needed me to do a quick run and I finished it. I actually just got in the window right now. I was going to surprise you, but.." Jack pulled away from the hug and pulled out a bouquet of white roses. "Happy birthday to you; my cute little baby doll."

I blushed, slowly getting the bouquet out of his grasp. My body started to get stiff. "Jac-Jack-kun.. Than-thank you. But, you didn't need to do this.."

He scoffed gently. "Of course I needed to! You've been risking your life just to be with me. I'm known as the Snake Reaper. I'm basically like the top person that the CCG what's to capture or killed. You've seen my work and yet.. it doesn't repugnant you at all.. I'm happy that I met someone like you. I love you, (Y/n)-chan." Jack told me, holding my face close his. We both looked at each other's eyes. Jack's eyes were slowly turning from its dark blue color into it's kakugan color.

I smiled softly and gave him a peck on the lips, which made him blush deeply. I giggled from his reaction. "I love you too, Jack-kun.. So where we going for brunch?" I asked him.

"There's this restaurant on the ninth ward I wanted to take you."

"Jack-kun, that's about two hours.. You sure you wanna go-" I was cut off with his lips against mine. Feeling the heat go onto my cheeks, I kissed him back softly as I wrapped my arms around his neck. Jack picked me up and placed me onto the counter, moving his hands onto my waist. We pulled away from the kiss and I looked at him.

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