Chapter 13

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“I've always loved concerts,” Cami tells me as we drive to the venue, “When I was little, I would do karaoke and dream about having my own concert,” she says, giggling.

I keep quiet.

“It all just seems so exciting to be a performer. The fans, the lights hitting you on the stage, the music, everything. I'd love to do it sometime.”

“Do you like to sing?

She blushes, “Yeah... No one's ever heard me though. Actually heard me, not just in the car or something. I play guitar too, not that anyone would ever want to hear me.”

“I would sometime,” I say smiling.

“You'll be lucky if I let you hear my real singing voice.”


“This is so exciting!” Cami screams when The Fray finally comes out. We're both wearing t-shirts we bought and Cami got a glow stick.

“I know!” I say, over the screams.

It's so loud. I've never been to anything like this, it's a new experience for me. I'm so excited! We have really good seats too, I don't know how she managed to get these. Cami starts taking a ton of pictures, both of The Fray and of me.

After a few songs, the lights dim and a camera starts scanning the crowd and putting it up on the screens.

“Okay, we have something new for this song,” Joe, the guitarist says, “We're gonna be singing 'Look After You' and I want you all to hold up a phone, a glowstick, something that shines. While you're doing that, this camera is gonna find people in the crowd and do a kiss cam! Whether you know them or not, kiss them!”

The crowd starts screaming wildly. Cami puts her glowstick in the air and I put my phone up. They begin to sing the song and the camera starts to scan.

A/N: If you want to, you can listen to the song. I think it adds mood to the chapter haha :)

The first couple easily does it, they look like pros. The second people awkwardly laugh and kiss eachother on the cheek.

Then I see someone familiar on the screen.

Cami and me.

Wait, what?

Cami looks over at me and smiles, I smile back.

She shrugs, “Let's just do it,” she whispers.

What is going on?

How am I supposed to kiss my friend?

I've never kissed anyone before.

I don't think I even know how to kiss someone.

I take a deep breath, “Okay.”

We both lean in and end up smashing our noses together. I can feel my cheeks start to blush.

Cami giggles, “Lean the other way.”

So I lean the other way.

Our lips touch and my mind forgets what's going on. I shut my eyes and kiss her. It ends quickly and the crowd screams afterwards.

Cami looks over at me, smiling, “Who would've guessed we'd be chosen!”


Who would've guessed I'd like that kiss?

I try to tell my mind that I don't like Cami, but the butterflies in my stomach are saying something different. Maybe it's just adrenaline. Yeah, that's what it is. I don't like Cami, do I? I can't, she's my best friend! What if I was a horrible kisser? I probably was... Cami wasn't bad though...

You know that feeling when you can't tell whether or not you like someone? It's an in between kind of feeling. Your mind is conflicting with your heart and you can't decide whether or not you're more than friends. I've never had this before. Sure, I've had crushes, but never fell for my friend, I've never had a friend to fall for. It's weird.

Why'd we have get picked for the kiss cam? If we didn't, I wouldn't be feeling this way. I probably would've fallen for her at some point, I've felt it coming. When I saw her sleeping this morning, my heart fluttered. And when she giggles, it makes me happy. I guess I've had feelings for her before, I just paid no attention to them.

And now that I have them, I want them to go away.

How'd you guys like this chapter?? Kiss cam!!! What should their ship name be? Camcel? :) Who ships it? I hope you all like this chapter!!


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