Chapter 27

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Cami's POV (The next day)

My phone starts ringing in my pocket, breaking the silence that's surrounding me.

“Hello?” I say quietly, not wanting to disturb the peace. I'm at the cemetery visiting my dad.

“Is Marcel with you?” Marcel's mom asks.

“No, sorry, Anne. Why?”

“He hasn't been home since yesterday afternoon. It's almost 5:00 now. He's been gone awhile,” she says nervously.

“Where's the last place he went?”

“He went to work.”

Oh, yeah. I forgot he had to set up the concession stand.

“Is he answering his phone?” I ask.

“No. I've called five times and texted. No replies yet though.”

I bite at my thumb, “He couldn't have gone far. It's Marcel. He wouldn't do anything like that.”

“Yes, I know. But sometimes I worry about him, he's my baby. And you know how he's bullied. And he's changing so quickly...” her voice gets quieter and I hear her sigh.

“I'm sure he's alright, Anne. He'll probably be home soon. I'll check the concession stand. Maybe he fell asleep or something.”

“Thank you.. I'll call you if anything happens.”

I hang up the phone and look at my dad's tombstone.

“I gotta go, Dad. I'll come back soon, I promise. I love you,” I whisper. I wipe at a tear in my eye.

I start driving to the football field. It's a long drive since the cemetery is closer to where we used to live.

I finally get to the football field almost an hour later. Hopefully Marcel's here. I slowly open up the door to the concession stand. All the lights are off and I don't hear anything. I turn on the lights and they slowly light up the room.

No Marcel.


Where could he be?

I trudge back to my car, wondering where he could possibly be. Why wouldn't he be home? Maybe he's at the library or a bookstore. He might have just gotten lost in a book and fallen asleep. He has done that before, but not this long.

I check the library.

No Marcel.

I check three bookstores.

Still no Marcel.

I'm sure he'll be home soon. I shouldn't worry. He's alright, I know he is. Marcel's smart, he wouldn't do anything dangerous.


I head home almost two hours later. I anxiously wait for Anne to call me and tell me Marcel's okay.

Marcel's POV

I'm fine, really.

No, really. I'm fine.

The lake is nice. I promise.

It's peaceful out hear. Nobody's around. Just myself and my thoughts. The stars are nice company too. They were so bright last night, the brightest I've ever seen them. They listened well too. I wonder if Cami ever talks to Marcel the Star when she's lonely.

I doubt it.

Nobody talks to stars. Except for me...

I'm such a loser.

I'm such a jerk.

I don't even deserve to be here.

I don't deserve anything.

I could just drown myself right now. I could. I could walk deeper and deeper until I can't breathe anymore. I can let the water fill my lungs. I can sink slowly to the bottom. I can rest there for eternity. I could watch over Cami forever.

I stare blankly at a dark spot in the water as I daydream about what I could do to myself.

No, Marcel. Stop it. Get out of these thoughts. I shake my head and blink a couple times. I take off my shirt and put it beside me on the grass. I count my tattoos.

40 tattoos.

40 things I have lived through.

I can't give up now.

I've made it through so much already. Ethan is not going to make me give up.

But giving up seems so perfect right now...

I hope you like this! As usual, thank you for reading! I love you all. This is at #10 in both categories. I never imagined this at all. I can't thank you all enough.

For any of you who have struggled with thoughts like Marcel is going through in this chapter, don't give up. I love you. You are amazing, no matter what anyone says. You may not be okay now, and that's alright. You may break down when you're all alone. That's okay too. But someday, things will get better. I promise. If you haven't smiled today, do it. If you haven't laughed today, tell yourself a stupid joke or think of a funny memory. If you haven't eaten today, have a cookie or something, it'll be yummy. If you've thought about giving up today, stop. I am here for you. If you're looking for someone or some sign, this is it. You've made it through so much already. Don't stop now. <3

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