Chapter 32

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Cami's POV

I miss Marcel. I miss him so much. I hope he's doing alright. I'm worried about him. What's he doing? Does he have friends? Is everything okay? I want him to come home.

School has been boring without him. I don't have any close friends besides Marcel. Of course I talk to a bunch of people, but I wouldn't exactly call them friends.

I'm eating in the library like I have been since Marcel's been gone. It's weird to sit in the cafeteria alone, I don't know how Marcel used to do it. I'm sitting on the couch, eating a sandwich when a boy comes and sits beside me.

I notice him from my English class. I've never talked to him before though.

“You're Cami, right?” he asks.

“Yeah, you're Niall?”

He nods, “So, um, I was wondering... I saw your concert with Marcel. Where has he been?”

“He's, uh, he's away.”

“Oh, on a holiday?”

“Yeah, something like that...”

“Well, you guys were really good. And my friends and I, we're starting a band, sort of. And, well, we were wondering if you guys wanted to be in it.”

A band? Really?!

I smile, “I'll talk to Marcel when he's back. Who else is in it?”

“Well, they're older than us. Their names are Liam, Louis, and Zayn. If you want to, we're having a band rehearsal tonight at my house. You can come if you want.”

I think about it for a second. Why not give it a try? I could check it out and if I don't like it, I don't have to do it. I can't wait until Marcel comes home to tell him!!

“Sure, I'll come!”


“Just take a left here,” Niall tells me. I'm driving us to his house. He's actually really nice and funny. He always seemed so loud and giggly in class. I thought he'd be annoying.

I pull up to his house and he leads me inside.

“The boys should be here any minute,” he tells me. I hear people talking loudly downstairs. “Or they're already here,” he says, smiling.

I follow him downstairs to see four boys eating chips and laughing.

“Niall! Hey, who's this?” one of them asks.

“Cami, this is Zayn. And that's Liam and Louis. Guys, this is Cami,” Niall says.

“Nice to meet you!” Liam says.

“Does Niall have a girlfriend?!” Louis shrieks.

“Louis!!!” Niall screams.

I blush, “I already have a boyfriend.”

“Darn it,” Louis mutters. I giggle at his disappointment.

“Hey, you had that concert the other night, right? With that boy, uh, Mark?” Liam asks.

“Yeah, and his name is Marcel,” I tell him.

“You guys were great!” he says.


“I was thinking Cami could watch us today,” Niall says.

“Yeah, of course!” Zayn says.

“Okay, great! I told her if she likes it, maybe she can join if she wants. We are looking for another person...” Niall says, picking up a guitar and sitting on a chair.

“I never thought it'd be a girl, but sure, why not!” Louis says.

Niall strums random chords as the others talk. They all include me in the conversation and ask me questions about myself and Marcel. They're all really nice.

“Guys! Let's start already,” Liam says a few minutes later.

“Yeah, I have to be home at 6,” Zayn says rolling his eyes, “Family game night.”

“You still do that?” Louis says laughing. Zayn punches him in the shoulder.

Niall laughs uncontrollably.

“You guys are so immature,” Liam says, “C'mon!”

I can't help but laugh at them. They're all so different.

“Feel free to sing along,” Liam tells me, “Niall, start us up.”

Niall starts strumming and I recognize the song. It's “Torn” by Natalie Imbruglia. Liam starts off.

“I thought, I saw a girl brought to life
She was warm, she came around and she was dignified
She showed me what it was to cry
Well, you couldn't be that girl I adored
You don't seem to know
Seem to care what your heart is for
But I don't know her anymore
There's nothing where she used to lie
The conversation has run dry
That's what's going on.”

I decide to sing the chorus with them, I might as well.
“Nothing's fine, I'm torn
I'm all out of faith
This is how I feel
I'm cold and I am shamed
Lying naked on the floor
Illusion never changed
Into something real
I'm wide awake and I can see
The perfect sky is torn
You're a little late, I'm already torn”

When they're done, they all look at me with wide eyes.

“You're really good,” I tell them. They're voices mix nicely together, they make good harmonies. They're really talented.

“Really?” Niall asks smiling.

I nod, “I liked it a lot. I'm sure Marcel would love it too!”

“I can't wait to meet him!” Louis says excitedly.

“You were amazing!” Zayn tells me.

I blush, “Thanks...”

“Good choice, Niall,” Liam says, elbowing Niall. He smiles widely at me and g#ives me a thumbs up.

Marcel and I may have some new friends. Just wait until he finds out!

This isn't going to turn into some huge One Direction fanfic, just to let you all know. And just pretend they're all from the same place. I hope you like this! As usual, thank you for reading and commenting and being amazing! <3


Instagram: delicatedreams and 1delicioussss

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