I Do-not Wanna

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"Kurt,.... Kurt....Kurt? Are you ok?" Quinn said waking me up from my shock.


I'm married.

Kurt Hummel-er Anderson (legally now!)

Has gotten Married on Accident.

Holy Shit my life is screwed.

"Um... It's fine ok, we-we can just get a divorce." I said.

Blaine nodded, "yeah, let's get dressed and go."

Me and Blaine rushed out of our seats ,and raced upstairs to get changed in our regular cloths. I spotted what my hair looks like ,and oh god how could no one tell me?

"No one could bother to tell me about my mess of a hair?" I said from the bathroom fixing it.

"I don't think anyone cared since we both have huge hangovers, plus it looked cute." Blaine commented while trying to find his pants.

Well glad to know my husband thinks I'm at least cute. Oh god I just called him my Husband. What do I call him? Ex-husband- that- was -just -suppose- to -be -a -hookup but -is- still- a -stranger -because -I -don't know -his- last- name, oh wait I do because it's legally mine, Anderson.

"Hey you almost done I have to pee?" Blaine called interrupting my thoughts. I sprayed a final spray of hairspray and left. "All yours." I said.

Blaine peed quickly and everyone came with us to the Instant chapel.

"Hello, sir?" I said to the old man at the front desk.

"Oh your the two love birds from last night. What can I do for you?" The man said.

"Divorce us." Blaine said.

"Why would you want to do that?" The man said.

"We were both extremely drunk last night!, hell I don't even know his last name!" Blaine said frustrated.

"It's Hummel by the way." I said in the mist.

"Wait aw that's cute like the doll?" Blaine said.

"Yeah!" I said.

"Excuse me!" The man said.

Me and Blaine looked snapping out of our little conversation.

"You both can't, we have a 48 hour policy, plus were closed for the month." The man explained.

"Excuse me!" I shouted.

"Me and the wife are going on vacation, you'll have to take it up with the state, and boy does that take time." The man explained again.

"No, no, no, this is not happening." I said holding my head in my hands.

"Hey look on the bright side, maybe you'll find unexpected love here." The man smiled.

"Gary let's go!" A women shouted from the back.

"That my leaving cue, see you in a month, or maybe not." The man said shooing us out the door. We all walked back to the hotel. I'm not sure how everyone was feeling: angry ,upset, pity.

I'm not even really sure how I felt. I'm being forced to be married to a guy I barley even know.

Everyone walked back to their rooms and Blaine came back to mine. We both sat on the bed in total silence.

"So... What do you want to do?" I finally asked him.

"We can't go through the state, it takes forever plus, we both don't want to deal with a court room about it." Blaine said.

I nodded in complete agreement.

"So what do we do?" I asked.

"Wait a month i suppose." Blaine said rubbing his eyes.

"So... Your saying we go our separate ways, technically still married ,and wait a month to get divorced." I said going through it in my head.

"I mean,... I don't know." Blaine said obviously confused by it all.

"Why don't we have fun with it?" I said.

Blaine looked at me, "how?" He asked slightly interested.

"Do everything married couples do and more." I smirked.

"Show up all our friends." Blaine said smirking as well, getting the idea through his head.

"Glad I married you, I don't think anyone else would get it." I laughed.

"Well Kurt Hummel or Anderson... Which are we going with?" Blaine asked confused once again.

I stood up facing him while he still sat on the bed. "Anderson, why its on our wedding papers." I said smirking.

"Alright Kurt Anderson, will you go out on a date night with me?" Blaine asked holding my

I laughed at it all. The question, the new name. I smiled and nodded. "I'd love to go on a cheesy date with you Blaine Anderson."

Blaine smiled and stood up hugging me. It was nice to have a tall husband, now he'll be able to reach Finns high selfs, score!

"You know what's going to be awesome!" I said pulling away from his embrace.

"What?" He asked smiling.

"Having single guys hit on me only seeing as I'm married to a hot guy." I said showing him my ring finger.

Blaine laughed and hugged me tighter. "Perfect, then I'll come making out with you, claiming you as mine."

"This will be very fun." I declared hugging Blaine's tall body tighter.

Ok so 1) I don't know much of how divorce worlds especially in Vegas, you think I would know more with divorce parents. In my world this is how it goes plus it works for the sake of the plot.
2) speaking of the plot I made Blaine taller Bc a) it's cute af. B) to me it makes sense with this fic idk why it does. I think it's some kind of kink rn idk but it's working so deal with it.
Stay Strange

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