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"Come on Kurt it will be like a group date, it will be fine! You got Blaine now!" Rachel persuaded.

"I don't know rach..." I said looking at Blaine.

Blaine sat on the bed raising his eyebrow.

"Pretty please, do it for me and your future nephew."  She cooed.

"Fine, only because I don't want you crying again." I said.

"Yay! See you soon!" She said ending the call.

"Rachel?" He asked.

"Rachel." I sighed.

"Ha I knew it! Take that Jeff!" Blaine said air pumping.

"It's scary how much you already know me." I sighed getting clothes on.

"Shit pants." Blaine said leaning down to grab his jeans, and sliding them over his boxers.

"Why can't you swear sweatpants like a normal person." I sighed.

"Because I feel free Kurt!" Blaine fought back.

"God I'm married to a five year old." I grumbled.

"Five and a half!" Blaine yelled.

I laughed and finished getting ready with Blaine. We walked to the lobby grabbing coffee and talking as we drank it. All the glee guys came down and we got coffee getting ready for the day.

Everyone cleared out, and began walking to the various casinos and clubs. Playing around in them. Rachel being Rachel wanted to take the Romantic route of things. She guided them into a garden filled with flowers and a little pond. All the couples clicked together strolling through. Blaine and I straggled behind, walking with our hands in our pockets.

"They've all known each other since high school and here are we, guys who just met." Blaine laughed awkwardly.

"Yeah." I laughed a little.

"Wanna stick with our cheesy goals?" Blaine asked looking at me.

"Yeah." I smiled.

Blaine smiled back putting an arm around me, and I felt a blush come and giggle. Leaning into his strong touch.

Blaine smiled and kissed my head, as we walked through the isle of roses.

"To hell with this, this is fucking romance." Blaine said.

I laughed and nodded. "I don't mind. It's nice." I admitted.

"You've got a soft spot." Blaine smiled at me.

"Try as I might, I'm still just a hopeless romantic." I said looking at all the roses.

Blaine smiled and stopped walking, making me face him. "I think it's adorable. I think your adorable." Blaine smiled widely at me.

I blushed and giggled looking at my feet.

Blaine picked up my chin and made me look in his eyes. If it was possible I blushed more as our faces grew close and our lips collided.

After we parted from the soft kiss, I heard Aw's from our group. Blaine laughed as I blushed hard, holding his hands and walking away with him.

We ended up by the edge of the pound behind a bush, were no one could really see. We laughed and kissed whispering little things to one another.

This was truly


I'm trying to update more I really am.
Stay Strange🦄

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