Back in Time

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"Blaine!" I laughed, giggling as he laid on top of me kissing down my neck.

"You know I can't help it, bug." Blaine smiled up, giving me his classic goofy grin.

I laughed at him and put my hand in his dark curl. I could see the new addition of silver on my hand sparkle, in the jungle of his hair. I couldn't help but smile at the sight. Legally we were married. Now i know it physically and emotionally.

"Just be happy I love you." I said.
He hummed and kissed my chest, putting a hand over it.
"I am... It got you to say yes."

I laughed lightly and pulled him, motioning for him to hug me close. "Mm... Tell me a story... I can't sleep." I said looking into his familiar hazel eyes.

"Mm... How about the story of the Blue Pea Coat." He smiled.
I laughed at the name and smiled nodding. "Well go on."

Blaine smiled and began to tell. "It began on a cold November day. I was on my day to work, since it snowed the day before, school had a half hour delay. So, I actually had time to get coffee. I got my-"

"Medium drip." I smiled finishing the sentence."

"You know your coffee then. Anyway, I walked out, checking my phone, trying to read the email I got from Wes. Suddenly my coffee was spilt out of my hand and onto a beautiful blue pea coat. I immensely felt guilty about it. It looked like a pretty coat for once and two it looked expensive. I yelled out a hey, but only caught a side glimpse of a face. Perfect porcelain skin, light chest but hair, and the rosiest cheeks and lips I've ever seen. Part of me wanted to chase after him, but the other said to wait. Strangely enough I followed that other voice. It's like fate grabbed me by the shoulders, and said not yet. This isn't how you met yet. This is only how you cross paths. Your close. So I went to work, taught my classes and went home. Wes called me to tell me about a trip for Vegas and how I needed it. I said now but my friend Sam called me too. He said I had to get over this tiny shy guy with the blue pea coat and take a chance."

"Wait Sam as in Evans, as in dating Mercedes?" I intruded again.

"Yeah! Oh my god... I'm gonna kill him for not introducing us sooner. Anyways... I put who I thought my soulmate was in the back of my head. Whenever fate would say he would come. The wait was awful... But It was worth it to be able to lay here, holding you... Because that's all I've wanted to do since I met you." He smiled pushing my hair out of my face.

I smiled at him holding his big hand in my small ones. "Mm... Wanna know how I remember it?"

"I would love to Mr.Anderson." He smiled kissing my hand.

"Well... On that cold November morning the batteries in my alarm decided to stop working. So I sprinted to get ready, I barley put on my moisturizers and got dressed at the same time. From the clock I didn't have enough time to do my hair so I ran out grabbing my blue pea coat on the way out. I ran down my street, before bumping into some rude business man. He knocked me down and kept walking. When I got up I ran again, a crossing guard yelled at me for running. When I stopped and walked I realize I got gum on my Michael Kors boots. That of course got me even more pissed so I speed walked the rest of the way. I was complaining to myself when I bumped into some guy who just stood in the middle of the side walk. His medium drip coffee spilt all over me. I checked the time while he was yelling and kept on walking to work since I was about an hour late. I wanted to glance quickly at him, just so I could see... He was hella cute.. And I wanted to at least say hi.. But I couldn't be fired. So I went to work. I did my job. But I never got him out of my head. So whenever I smelt the medium drip that soaked into my coat, I thought of the clumsy giant. Then of course Rachel begged me to go to Vegas because it would be her last vacation without a kid, and she was right." I laughed smiling at him.

"Imagine if you stopped... We met that day. What do you think would happen?" Blaine asked looking into my eyes.

"I don't know... But I'm glad I didn't. I don't think I would have been as special. I know Vegas isn't special, epically how we got married, but... It's almost as if fate said its time." I smiled cupping Blaine's cheeks.

He smiled and kissed me softly.
"I love you more than anything... You know that right?"

"Tell that to my pea coat." I smiled wider at him.

I love Blaine being like Ted.
Stay Strange🦄

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