Chapter 6

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Sorry I am just now updating, I've been busy! So enjoy!

"So, what's up Juliet? What did Kingston ask you to do?" I ask her once she let go of our hands, she just smiles, "He asked for James and I to give you a tour." she says as Alexander and Autumn join us. "We are joining you guys to help give the tour." Alex says, Autumn seems to nod in agreement. I smile, "Lead the way!" I say as we walk up the stairs.

We head upstairs to see tons of doors, they open the first door to see a huge library about the size of the Griswold's. The other rooms had everything from a music room, a game room, an indoor pool, even a whole room full of clothes, which I bet the girls loved. The other rooms were a blur until we walked to the top floor which had about twelve rooms, their bedrooms along with some extra rooms. All of them were beautiful in there on way. When they had finished giving us our tour it was nearly five in the morning. We all ran downstairs deciding to go hunt, everyone followed as we ran out to the snow covered woods.

Once we finished our hunt we went back inside the house to see it was nearly eight, "How about you kids go hang out in the game room, Rose, Wright, Grace, and I want to talk?" Kingston asks us, we all nod and run upstairs to the game room. The boys battle it out on Mario Kart, while us girls go over to the other section of the game room, that had couches and some magazines. "So how long have each of you been with your mates?" I ask them, Elle speaks up first, "I have known Elliot once I came a vampire, he had changed me on accident of course, being a newborn and all." she says smiling at the memory. Eve speaks up next, "I met Adam when I was trying to pass as a normal high scholar while being a newborn, he led me out of the struggle and brought me here." Eve says smiling. Next was Autumn who I hadn't heard say anything the entire time I was here, she looks down at her feet. "I met Alex when I was still human. We grew up together and he always understood me, even when others couldn't. One day we were just hanging out when a thirsty vampire attacked us both." She says. We all look at her in shock, no doubt that was the longest sentence she had ever said. She smiles and acts like she was proud of herself and then her smile fades again.

"What about you June?" Elle asks, if I could I would have blushed. I was about to speak when Juliet speaks up for me. "She hasn't met her mate yet, but she has a date with a certain brother of mine." Juliet says smiling, all the girls look at her and then at me and smile. "Awe! That's so cute!" Eve says, I would have blushed as I look over at Juliet she's laughing, probably at my thoughts. I look down and look at my watch, it was nearly eleven o'clock. That was when the girls started talking about their human lives. It turned out that Eve worked part time at a zoo when she was human and was in charge of the animals and Elle had been a supermodel because her mom forced her to. They had all changed about fifty years each, while Kingston changed over a hundred years ago. I told them about Jasper and the Cullen's, even about my "death" by Aro, they all felt so bad for me.

We talked for a couple more hours when the boys came over to join us. We all laughed and told stories and jokes. We all showed off for who had the best gift, I stepped out and let them do their thing. First Elle and Elliot combined their powers and made themselves look like Kingston and Grace and started scolding us as a joke, which ended with us laughing like maniacs. Then Juliet went up and read each of our minds, but I put a shield around me so she couldn't. She looked frustrated, but let it go. Next went Autumn who stood up, again she looked like she was in a day dream as it started hailing outside. We all clap and again she nearly collapses again, but is caught by Alex. "Why does she always collapse when she is done using her power?" I ask James, "It takes a lot of energy out of her, that's why she doesn't talk much." he says. I nod as he stands up, the bright red light appears from his hand as he uses it on Autumn and she instantly feels better. We all clap as Scarlett gets up and closes her eyes, I didn't know if I was imagining it, but I saw a faint gold light surround her, when she opened her eyes they were nearly glowing, Sky looks in awe along with the other boys. The light slowly fades and they look normal and sits back down.

"You should go June." James says, I shake my head, "I don't like showing off my gift." I tell him. Although Juliet didn't seem to catch on because she forced me up, I growl at her and sigh. "What do you guys want to see?" I ask them, they all think about it. I wonder if she can control things I heard Adam think, I smile and lift my hands out as I slowly lift the couch he was sitting on along with Eve. "That was SO cool!" Adam says as I lower them, I smile. Can she control the elements Alex thinks, I slowly lift my hand and make a ball of fire, ice, wind, and earth combined. I slowly mold it and let him hold it. "So cool!" he says as I take it back and it disappears. "Can you see the future?" Autumn asks, everyone looks at her like they hadn't heard her speak in decades. I was about to answer as if on cue, I'm on the ground in pain, being sucked into a vision.

I see Jasper in his room slowly packing a suitcase. His expression was clear, sad. I wanted so badly to go up to him and give him a hug. I notice he's wearing my locket. Edward walks in the room, "Are you ready?" he asks. Jasper quickly zips up his suitcase and looks up at him, "Yeah, Alaska here we come." he says as the vision starts fading.

I open my eyes to see twenty eight pairs of eyes looking at me. "Are you okay June?" Wright asks me, I feel my aching head and shake my head. James slowly comes close to me, his finger glows red and puts it on my head. Instant relief floods through my body as I slowly get up, "How long was I out?" I ask. "About a hour." Juliet says, I look at my watch to see it was nearly four o'clock. "Are you sure you're ready to head to the house?" Rose asks me, I nod as I slowly get off of the couch. They all give me warm smiles, "Well, we need to say our goodbyes, we will see you guys next week." Wright says to everyone. We all quickly wave goodbye to everyone and before I left Autumn gave me a little hug. We all grab our scarves and jackets and walk out to our cars, "Scarlett and I will put your stuff in your room for you." Juliet says. I smile and give her a big hug, You better take care of my brother she warned me, I nodded and got in the car with James.

Scarlett, Sky, and Juliet went in Scarlett's Mustang while Wright and Rose went in a Jeep. Although James and I went in his Volvo. We quickly backed up and sped towards the movie theater. I washed the trees zoom by out the window, "So what did you think?" James asks me. "They are really nice." I tell him, he smiles to himself. "So what movie are we seeing?" I ask him, "It's a surprise." he says. I smile to myself as I try to read his mind, but all I heard was him humming a song. I give up and continue to look out the window, "Whatever happen to your parents and I mean really what happen?" James asks me. I was shocked, I had told him everything about me and he did the same, but I had never told him about my parents. "My brother." I tell him, not wanting to say anymore, he seemed to get the message and didn't ask. I silently thanked him and continued to watch the trees go by.

So, what did you guys think? Now that you have some more backstory on some other characters! The next chapter will mainly be their date! So I hope you liked it! Make sure to tell me if you want me to update! Also, make sure to check out my other stories!

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