Chapter 5

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Once we finished shopping, we had about a hour to get to where the rest of their family was and twenty plus bags each. We quickly walked outside and put our stuff in the trunk and quickly drove to their extended family's house. I watched as we drove through the road and I watched through the windows as the snow covered trees blurred and zipped by. "Is it true you're going out with my step-brother tomorrow?" Scarlett asks, if I was human I would have blushed, "Yeah, we are going to the movies and then going to go hunt afterwards." I tell her. She smiles to herself, I knew they would go out eventually, they are so cute together, She thinks to herself. If I could, I would have blushed even more. Juliet just laughs as Scarlett pulls up to a beautiful three story white house. We quickly park the car and go to the front door and ring the doorbell.

The door opens to reveal a young women with long blonde hair and golden eyes. She gives me a warm smile, "Hello Scarlett, Juliet, who is this?" she asks, I smile, "I'm June." I tell her as I shake her hand. She gives me a bigger smile, "Welcome to my home, I'm Grace Baldwin. Please come in." she says as she leads us inside the house. She lets us hang up our jackets and scarves. Inside was even more beautiful with a grand staircase leading upstairs, she leads us to a huge living room with couches everywhere and a huge chandler and a grand piano. I see everyone sitting down, including seven other vampires. I sit down next to Juliet and James as everyone introduces themselves and their mate. The first to talk looks to be the leader of the coven, he has dark brown hair, "I'm Kingston, Grace is my mate and I'm the leader this coven." he says. I nod as this girl with curly red hair that is sitting down next to a guy with blonde hair, they look the youngest, "I'm Elle, I have the ability to change my appearance." she says as she changes her hair to a light blonde and her eyes to hazel to prove it. It changes back, "This is my mate Elliot, he can turn into anyone he has seen, even if it is only for a second." Elliot smiles and turns into me, which nearly gives me a heart attack, as he changes back he cracks up laughing, along with everyone else, I just growl at them. The next guy has short brown hair and is sitting next to a girl with wavy light brown hair, the guy speaks up, "I'm Alexander, but you can call me Alex. This is my mate Autumn, she doesn't talk much, but she can control the weather." he says. To prove it, she stands up and looks like she is some sort if trance as I look outside to see ice forming around the window, she lifts up her hand, causing wind to blow the trees outside. She nearly collapses, but Alex caught her before she could. The last couple both had brown hair, the girl's to her back and straightened. The girl speaks up first, "I'm Eve and this is my mate Adam, none of us have a gift." she says, I smile at each of them. "I'm June and I'm a stealer." I tell them, "What is was your last name before you turned into a vampire and when did you change?" Kingston asks me. "My last name was Whitlock and I was turned by my brother in 1863." I tell him, he nods and looks over at James and Juliet. "Yeah sure, James and I would love to that." Juliet says with a smile as she grabs both of our hands and leads us to the staircase.

Hope you guys enjoyed this! This is my gift to you and I'll update it when I can (which will most likely be in a week)!!!!!! Also tell me, who is your favorite character (minus June) so far (not counting Cullens or Jacob from first book)?

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