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Jimin screamed once he heard the news. He expected the worst but not this. He's Kookie is strong. He's sure of that. He can get through this.

"Jimin hyung~ Calm down, please.."

V begged the elder boy, who was currently sat at the corner of the hotel room, with his knees pressed against his chest.


Jimin cried.

"It's not your fault, Jimin.."

Jin comfort.

"You don't get it... He thought I was angry at him, because he was dating that JM guy, but in reality, I'm JM.."

Jimin sobbed into his hyung's chest.

The other hyungs gasped, excluding the vhope couple.

"S-so you're saying that.. You and Jungkook are 'dating'? Nevermind, excuse me.."

Suga said as he felt the room and ran off somewhere out in the night.

"Why does it have to hurt so bad?"

Suga cried to his hands.

"Shouldn't I be happy for him? His dream of being with the love of his life has finally came true.. But no! I'm furious! I've been waiting for him to love me back! But that's not gonna happen! Because that sick moron is in my way!"

Suga burst out feeling the anger boiling inside him.

Dun dun dun.. More drama coming your way. Sorry this was short but I'll try to update more soon..

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