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i stayed in this position(kneeling) in utter shock that we got caught. plus, being parallel to jungkook's sexy thighs is not so good.


i said awkwardly to hoseok hyung who is looking at me furiously.


he yelled and i could already hear the other members waking up.

automatically, jungkook pulled up his sweatpants with his still existent erection slightly visible.

"h-hyung he--"

jungkook tried to explain, but was soon cut off by jin hyung.

"jeon jungkook. if you think you can get away with this, you are very wrong young man"

now, both me and jungkook is on the bed having a lecture session with the hyungs.

hearing a door knob open,  yoongi hyung and the other jimin decided to come by.

"you were calling my boyfriend, hoseok? whats up..?"

yoongi said bluntly, clearly not realising the two jimins existing.

"jimin--what the fuc--"

"mind your language grumpy!!"

jin hyung cut him off.

"mianhae. mind if i ask you sir, who the fudge are you?"

looking at my direction. what do i do? what do i do? act cool. swag.

"ya know man.. im park jimin. im swag and i got loads of jams"

i smiled at my sentence and awkwardly shrug.

"why are there two jimins?"

hoseok hyung asked and taehyung cut off my almost said explaination

"well you see, i was gonna explain to you that our chimchim is back but you wont listen.. so yeah~"

taehyung smiled.


hoseok hyung came to my face and hugged me ever so tightly.

suddenly, GROUP HUG.

i didnt know how to end this!! sorry for the long wait.. i will update more if you want me too.. sorry that this is so crappy and short..

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