Sometimes I laugh at how effective this statement got to the ARMYs.
We'd all laugh at how fast it was spreading, and all just stare at Jimin.
"해야 할 것. 아니. 말하다. 단어." (Do. Not. Say. A. Word.)
He'd say as he playfully glare at us and we'd all just laugh our ass off.
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Doesn't he look like an angel?
He was innocent. (
Okay maybe not so. Okay maybe not at all.
He was just one that bring smiles, wherever he went.
He was an angel, minus the innocent part.
He was perfect.
He never shows his weak side. He always wanted to be strong for others.
He was kind hearted. Forgiving others even if their mistakes were the worst.
"Jimin-ah. If you hear me.. I only wanna say that.. That.. I... You're.. You.. You.. YOU GOT NO JAMS!"
I felt a tear fall onto my cheeks.
Namjoon screamed at the top of his lungs at the balcony.
"Babe? Are you okay? It's 3am in the morning.."
Jin hugged Namjoon from behind.
"I know you're not okay. And I also know it's because of Jimin. It's not worth crying anymore. He wouldn't want us to be in this state. He doesn't want us to suffer. Let make him happy up there, by being happy..."
Jin trailed off.
Yes, he was the oldest, but doesn't mean he was okay. Amongst the rest Jin was actually the most affected by this.
He knew how much Jimin was suffering. Jimin tells him everything.
He seeks advice from his hyung, knowing that the older boy would understand his situation.
'Jimin-ah. I'm sorry I could not save you. I have failed as a hyung towards you... But I'll keep my promise to take care of the rest. I know you have something planned for us up there. I'm sure of it.. Saranghae dongsaeng~'
Jin thought quietly.
"Come on, babe~ let's go in~"
He pecked Namjoon on his cheeks as the two walked in.
They laid down on they're bed together and Jin whispered to his boyfriend.
"You know he'll come back right?"
Namjoon looked at him, confused.
"Not him, him. I mean another him.. You know like.. Twin?"
Jin let out a sigh.
"Oh you mean, the fact that in this world 7 people look exactly like us? And your thinking coincidentally, someone's gonna come and say that he's Park Jimin, and looks exactly like Jimin? Yeah okay, let's hope that.."
Namjoon gave his boyfriend a hopeful smile, before pecking his lips lightly.
'I know.. One day, he willcome..'
Jin began to drift off to sleep. _ ++ Okay.. So I updated and accidentally/purposely combined Namjoon and Jin's scene together.. Okay.. Holidays are coming and I'm planning on updating more often..