Intro to the StrikeTeam

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  Do you find yourself still mourning over Mara Jade's death? Are you still trying to convince random strangers that Jaina and Kyp totally had vibes going? Or have you been hunting Troy Denning ever since you finished reading Star By Star? Well, if you answered 'yes' to any of these questions, you've found the right place. Make yourself at home, grab some tissues, and cry with us. We're all here for the same reason: to keep the EU alive.
  I found the EU just before Disney ran over it with a weed wacker. I fell in love so quick, it hurt that much more when Disney announced the Expanded Universe would now be 'non-canon'. I'd gotten to know the characters so well, to understand the relationships all the characters had with each other, to see things so different on the big movie screen with episode seven . . . it kind of hurt. If you haven't read the EU, that's fine. This is still a perfect place for you to hang out. We'd love to introduce you, help you dive into the greatest brand of story-telling. If none of this makes sense and you're only reading in hopes that it will eventually, let me break it down for you. This is what happened.
  A sort of long time ago in a planet very close by, Star Wars had hit blockbuster fame. It was huge, everyone loved it, but there were just a couple of problems. First of all, everyone wanted to know what happened after Vader burned on his funeral pyre and Star Wars's fame was slowly dying down. George Lucas knew he'd struck gold with this new franchise and he knew he couldn't let this trend die. So, he found Timothy Zahn, a sci-fi writer. Once Lucas found him, he asked him to do one simple thing: write a Star Wars trilogy of books to help re-launch the franchise.
  In response to the challenge, Zahn wrote the legendary Thrawn Trilogy, a short series of books in which we learned exactly what happened after Return of the Jedi. Characters we have grown to love entered our universe, and were featured in decades of other stories to come. So after the release of Zahn's wonderful, highly acclaimed works, Star Wars came back in full swing, launching video games, more books, comics, figurines, and much, much more. Thus was born the EU; The Star Wars expanded universe encompasses all of the officially licensed, fictional material of the Star Wars saga, outside of the seven feature films, The Clone Wars film and series, and Rebels series produced by Lucasfilm.(Wikipedia)

  The EU eventually grew into a franchise consisting of 150+ books and depicting a story timeline of over 40 years after ROTJ. However, when Disney bought Star Wars from George Lucas, they immediately cut this already existing series so they could start their own. This discussion book is so that we can all talk together about everything that was abandoned within the EU, characters, plot lines, everything hundreds of authors had been preparing before any further EU publishing was cancelled. We'll be posting reviews and summaries on EU books, maybe comics, characters. 'll also have a few of our own works like a book of ship one-shots(Only EU pairings). Anything and everything EU.So, if there's anything in particular that you'd love to see, just pm us or drop a comment! So, stick around and join us in reviving the Expanded Universe!

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