Best EU Books

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  Why, hello there! It sure has been a while, hasn't it? I'm so sorry the Team's been so inactive for a while, but I'm hoping to put an end to that. I've been itching to get back in the game, so I was scavenging my mind for one-shots, discussion topics, whatever I could think of. I'll tell you this: our next book review (Tatooine Ghost) is nearly done (WOOHOOO!) It shouldn't be too long until we get that published. In the meantime, though, I was surfing the internet when I found an article that was published back in October of 2015. So shortly before TFA hit theaters (BOOOO!!!). The article was a listing of the greatest Star Wars books. Here's a link to it, if you want to type all that in.

So, I went through and read the whole list and I've got to say . . . It wasn't a horrible list, but there were a few I really disagree on. Of course, everyone's entitles to their own opinions, so I thought . . .

Drum roll please . . .

Why don't we all give our own list?

Now, this person gave, like, 31, I think it was. We don't need to go that far. I mean, if you have the entire EU series ranked, be my guest! But why don't we stick to 10 or so? I'll give my own personal list, then you all can comment on the list in the link and/or offer your own. This list can include any book as long as it is recognized as belonging to the EU. They can be the "kid" novels, Old Republic, New Jedi Order. Just as long as it's EU.

First, though, can I just quickly say that The Courtship of Princess Leia does not belong anywhere near that high on the list! Tatooine Ghost was much better on a H/L factor and was far from being Star Wars's "RomCom" as the writer puts it. Whatever. Now, it's my turn.

Before reading my (JainaDurron7) list, I'll be honest with you and admit that I'm not huge into Old Republic, Clone Wars stuff, so this will just be post-ANH (A New Hope) books. Without further adieu . . .

10) Thrawn Trilogy

I may not be huge into Zahn's specialty field of war tactics, but I gotta' hand it to him for creating legendary characters like Mara Jade and Thrawn. And for writing the birth of the Solo twins so that they would be characters in later books. What author Zahn did for the EU was essential. Everything with Thrawn and C'boath may not have spiked my interest, but it was essential in, first, starting the EU, then, creating a wide open space for other authors to play in. His new characters were works of genius and, wihtout them, what would the EU be?

 His new characters were works of genius and, wihtout them, what would the EU be?

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9) Legacy of the Force: Bloodline by Karen Traviss

Here's what I loved so much about Bloodline: Fett was in it. We all love Fett, right? But, not only was Fett brought back, but the three authors who wrote the LOTF series (Denning, Traviss, Allston) made him a real part of things again. All of a sudden, he's a real character. He has more of a past. He has feelings and regret and grief and grudges! Whenever we see Fett, it's always him facing off with Han Solo, but, now, Fett has a broken life, a broken family, and he doesn't really care about his grudge with Solo anymore. I found the whole storyline with him and Mirta to be very enjoyable and I really felt for him!

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