Abandoned and Unfinished Plot Lines

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  I know every EU fan has mostly been mourning over all their ships and favorite characters, but I've been thinking about what we really should be mourning over. Especially now that morgandisney1313 has started a post-FOTJ(Fate of the Jedi) fanfiction. Don't get me wrong; just thinking about burning Tahiri to dust makes me want to cry, but we've lost so much more than just characters with this whole ordeal. We've lost stories. Let's drag this even farther. The Expanded Universe was one long story and with every series within it, the story kept going. All of it was connected, all one flowing piece that would be nothing without every single book. After FOTJ was finished, the story was still going. What I thought we should address is all that was left undone once Disney dropped the EU. EUStrikeTeam presents Abandoned and Unfinished Plot Lines.

Mortis Monolith- This isn't gong to be some sort of organized and dwelled upon Top 10 list. I'm just going to go through and name every one I can think of. So, to start us off, we have the Mortis Monolith. The Mortis Monolith was a sort of gateway leading to Mortis where three Force Wielders-the Father, Son, and Daughter- resided. Last we heard in Apocalypse, the last installment of FOTJ, Grand Master Skywalker sent ten Jedi Knights(a.k.a. Quest Knights) to find the Monolith and the Dagger of Mortis which was the only thing that could actually kill and forever destroy Abeloth.
  These ten Quest Knights are something of an interest to me to just think about. We have to wonder who all Luke sent. Of course, we could speculate that Tahiri or Tesar were sent, but, this being a continuing story, I wonder if most of them were younger Knights. Just to consider who they might have been, here's a handful of Jedi Knights I think Luke likely sent on this mission.

-Ohali Soroc(Only confirmed member in Crucible)

-Tahiri Veila

-Ben Skywalker

-Jysella Horn

-Valin Horn

-Tesar Sebatyne

-Danni Quee

-Raynar Thul

-Seff Hellin

-Seha Dorvald


Well, that's my list, but I think it would be especially likely for those younger Knights. With the ending of Crucible, I feel like the EU writers were preparing to start focusing more on Ben's generation and the other pretty Jedi Knights his age . . . if you know what I'm hinting at ; ) This would also have been the perfect chance to let Ben step out of his father's shadow, to have another Myrkr Mission type of story and to let Ben do that kind of growing up now. Then, of course, there's that whole issue about giving him a new ship with a young female Jedi Knight after his and Vestara's break-up.



Ania Solo- I'm not going to lie. I've never been much of one for comics and Star Wars has never changed that, but I've always been curious about this Ania character and wondering exactly what her Solo lineage is. I guess I was also hoping that, once we got far enough in the EU, they'd start writing some novels for her and develop her as a character as far as her parents go. What we know about her is that she's related to Cade Skywalker and Marasiah Fel, descendants of Ben and Jaina. I've always assumed that she was Allana's descendant because I don't know where else they could possibly pull her from.
  Anyway, she's a junk dealer in the Cerreras system. One day, she finds a lightsaber and tries selling it, but becomes a target of a Sith. She goes on to have her own adventures for a while, but I still have to wonder . . . what on Coruscant is her full lineage?! We could ask the same of Marasiah Fel, Empress of the Empire, but it is obvious she's a descendant of Jaina and Jagged Fel. Or Cade Skywalker, descendant of Ben.


Sword of the Jedi Trilogy- I know this isn't entirely a loss, but once I heard that it was supposed to happen . . . imagine my disappointment! Christie Golden was scheduled to publish a trilogy series centering around Jaina and, presumably, would have been the next books published after Crucible. According to Wookieepedia and some footnotes, it would also have had Jag, Ben, Tahiri, and Allana as main characters. That's all we know about it. A trilogy about Jaina, with Tahiri, Ben, and Allana . . . and that's all we know.


Padmé Amidala- This one isn't abandoned material so much as it is something I would have enjoyed seeing dealt with more by our EU characters. Most of the EU material was written before the prequel movies came out, so Padmé's time in the EU is already limited with just that. When George Lucas had written Revenge of the Sith and was waiting for it to come out, he prohibited authors from including Padmé in their stories during the years of the Clone Wars. She is featured, but her time is limited. Anyway, her first appearance in the EU, during the time of Luke, Leia, and Han, came during the Dark Nest series. This was shortly after ROTS had come out. Padmé's final months played part in a subplot where Luke was working on repairing R2-D2 when he found holos of Anakin and Padmé. Throughout the trilogy were a few ROTS scenes explaining to Leia, Luke, Han, Mara, and Jacen who the Skywalker twins' mother was and how she died.
  According to Wookieepedia and credited sources from the site, Pooja Naberrie, Padmé's niece, was a representative of Naboo. This job allowed her to meet her first cousin Senator Leia Organa whom she had no idea was her cousin. The two were close friends. After Leia discovered who her mother was, she visited Pooja and told her about their familial relationship. The story is in Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force.
  I just wish that Leia had been allowed more time in the trilogy or after to deal with this and consider it especially since she's the one who remembered Padmé from when she and Luke were born. Yes, I do still count that as canon! I just feel like Leia should have had her own moment with it. When Padmé's death scene is played, only Mara, Luke, and Jacen see it. I take it that Leia later saw it, but there were so many elements to that video (Bail, Padmé) that Leia should have had her own chapter in the book to deal with.


That's all I've got for you, today, but stay tuned for more special chapters, discussions, and anything else the team is releasing. May the Force be with you!

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