3 || falling into place ||

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a / n this chapter is dedicated to aestheticirwin for being such an amazing person. she has a weird obsession with eggs though... :/

W E  W E R E  G O I N G  W A Y  T O O  F A S T,
C H A S I N G  D O W N  T H E  H O U R G L A S S.

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"HURRY UP," BLAZE GROUSED. Letting go of a little sigh, I climbed into the passenger seat, resisting the tempting desire to slam the door shut and possibly break it from its hinges.

Before long, as I fiddled with the stuffed penguin that hung from his rear view mirror, Blaze slid into the car with a loud sigh and closed the door behind him.

"This is cute," I said, dangling with the stuffed penguin. As he was buckling his seatbelt, his gaze flickered to the penguin, before he glanced back down at his belt again.

Wordlessly, he started the engine and drove off, while I pursed my lips and glared out the window, choleric with indignation. Deciding to speed things up (mainly because I couldn't wait to get rid of him), I bent to face him and slapped a pretentiously fake smile on my face. "That was a great date," I said boldly.

His eyebrows rose upward. "That wasn't a date."

I tucked my hair behind my ears. "Yes, it was. And I enjoyed it."

"I hope you're joking," he muttered, glancing at me from the corner of his eyes. Then, he set his gaze to the front window, concentrating intently on driving rather than acknowledging my existence. He appeared like the living embodiment of indifference.

Moments of awkward silence later, he spoke up, taking me by surprise. "Where do you live?"

"In Narnia."

He scoffed a little, rolling his eyes. "Where do you live?" he reiterated, in a tone that insinuated I'm annoying. Because clearly, he, himself, wasn't annoying at all.

Once I relayed my address to him, he let out a weary sigh. "What's the matter?" I frowned, confusing settling upon my features.

"You don't live that far from me," he murmured, sounding distraught. He glanced up at the roof of the car, closing his lustrous eyes for a small second. "God, help me," he whispered.

"Great," I grinned.

"Great?" he echoed.

I shrugged my shoulders in the motion of a guileless shrug. "Now I can see you more often."

"We're not friends, Noelle. After today, you and I are never going to see each other again. Never."

I nodded, allowing a small smile to hint at the nook of my lips. "We'll see about that, Blaze. We'll see."

To be fair, I really didn't mind forfeiting a month dedicated to Blaze. I was bored, and I was in need of something to do in order to distract myself. And what better what to distract myself than with a completely oblivious guy?

Smirking to myself, I lowered myself and rested my hands on my stomach, closing my eyes. Moments afterward, Blaze cleared his throat in an effort to capture my attention. "I'm going to pick up my friend before dropping you off at your house," he muttered.

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