24 || falling into place ||

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a / n dedicated to JulienCarter for being an encouraging reader/friend! she's literally the cutest lol x

this chapter is so long, so grab some popcorn because it's about to go down. B)

also, for those readers who have stuck with me from the beginning, don't worry! i will dedicate a chapter to you guys, but i only update once a week, so it's gonna take some time.

I  N E V E R  I N T E N D E D  T O  B E  N E X T,
B U T  Y O U  D I D N ' T  N E E D  T O  T A K E
H I M  T O  B E D, T H A T ' S  A L L.
A N D  I  N E V E R  S A W  H I M  A S  A  T H R E A T,
U N T I L  Y O U  D I S A P P E A R E D
W I T H  H I M  T O  H A V E  S E X, O F  C O U R S E.

▂ ▂ ▂ ▂

"HAVE YOU FOUND YOUR costume yet?"

I nodded my head vigorously, attempting to keep back a devious smirk. "Why, yes, I have," I murmured, adjusting the straps of my tank top. "What about you?"

"Yup," Jade muttered, cupping her chin with her hands. "Is Blaze coming?"

I shrugged, pressing my lips together in grim acknowledgement. "I don't know," I reported, wringing my hands together. "I mean, I invited him but I'm not sure if he'll come."

Jade let out a scoff. "He'll come, don't worry. Isn't that Kiera chick coming, too?"

I desired to roll my eyes as I rummaged through my jewellery box. "Yes," I grumbled, undercurrents of vexation leaking into my tone.

Jade laughed derisively. "You're so jealous," she observed, thrusting a finger in my face. I pushed my head back and gave her a flat look, before shaking my head.

"I'm so glad I threw it today, though. God knows how many people wouldn't come if I decided to throw it on a school day," I noted.

Jade nodded her head, an expression of thoughtfulness lingering on her features. "I can't believe you invited Joseph," she grumbled, assessing her nails.

"Aren't you supposed to be ecstatic?" I fed her a weird look.

"Nope. He's seeing someone," she informed me, shrugging her shoulders heedlessly.

I exhaled a lengthy breath. "That must suck," I mumbled, bringing up a necklace and studying it.

"Doesn't matter. The school year is over, anyway. Only a couple more weeks and it's over."

I mutely nodded my assent. "True."

"Did you finish studying?" Jade inquired.

"Yep," I murmured, my eyes straying to the clock. "We better get ready."

"Can't wait!" Jade grinned.

Oh, it's about to go down.

▂ ▂ ▂ ▂


Although I was marginally early, I had to be there in order to make sure everything was going as planned. After all, I couldn't rely on those workers to ensue that everything was the way I wanted it to be.

"I want to go trick or treating!" Nina mumbled, tugging at the ends of my hood.

I disregarded her comment as I fiddled with my bracelet. "I'll take you when I come back. I promise," I assured, crouching down to reach her level. "Now go watch some cartoons."

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