Chapter 41- Zanobia's Pov

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Walking in the warehouse and to be honest I was scared and nervous for my life. I had so many mixed emotions going on I didn't know what to do but I keep thinking about Zeek and I am doing this for him.

Before I could knock on the door.

Out came Regina and the expression she had on her face was shocked and angry.

Why I have no idea considering the fact that I should be the one that was mad that she had the audacity to come into my home and just feel free to be okay with a man taking my child away to this type of environment but I remained calm because I didn't want to cause a scene.

"Bitch Wh..."Before she could get her whole sentence out I knocked her ass out with one punch. That felt so damn good.

I walked over her and began inching towards a room that I heard a lot of ruckus from to look and see who was on there.

Looking in the room I see Alexander and couple more men siting around a table with money and what looks like to be cocaine all over the table and they were counting and measuring it. 

Before you can say anything about how I know what cocaine looks like well let's just say after having a drug addicted mom you'll know what all drugs look like.

After looking into my room I tried my best to be as quiet as possible to move through the building  looking through empty rooms trying to find Zeek.

While I was walking to the next room I felt as if someone was behind me so I turned back to only be met with Alexander.

"I see you came to pay me a visit baby look like you have gotten thinker since the last time I saw you."He said smacking my ass.

"Mhm papi I've missed you so much."I said damn near gagging in my mouth I hated this man so much at this point I can't wait until this is all over I said to myself.

"You can do this Zanobia just play along."I said to myself."This is for Zeek."

"I knew yo ass would be coming back when you  realized I'm the only that will ever want yo ass."He said pulling me closer kissing my lips. 

I wanted to beat his ass so bad.

"I should have known better not to leave you papi and I'm sorry."I said looking up at him.

"Yea Yea you will be real sorry when you feel all of this up in you."He said while grabbing his sack and pulling me towards a room.

Before I came in here Hakim had set little speakers in my ear so he could hear everything that I was saying and I could hear him.

Alex had threw me on the bed at this point while unzipping his pants.

"Zanobia just go as far as you can with him so you can get him vulnerable."I heard Hakim say.

I mentally began to cry because I never thought I would have to see this man's face ever again but physically I wasn't because I would let him see his has gotten to me.

So I began to go along with him.

I started rubbing against him.

"Aww shit girl it's good to see that you didn't forget what papi likes."He said while groaning. 

I mentally rolled my eyes.

"You know I would never forget what pleases you baby."I said putting on the best fake smile I could put on.

"Lay down baby."I said pulling him to the bed.

I got on top of him and started rubbing my body against his he began to pull at my shirt.

"Not yet baby I wan to please you."I said trying to get him from touching me.

"Well hurry up because I'm ready to make some more of those bastard ass kids with you."He said which mad me grow angry but I kept my composure.

I slowly got off of him and began to take his boxers off and rubbing his member.

"Fuck...I knew taking that little bastard would get yo ass back here in my arms."He said which made me go off I began to squeeze his member with my hand until he started to groan in pain like a little bitch. 

"BITCH WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING? LET MY SHIT GO!"He said then smacked me which lead me to smack him back and get the gun he had in his pants pocket.

"What the fuck you gon do now bitch."I said holding the gun towards him.

"What are you doing Zanobia?!"I heard Hakim say.

"You ain't gone do shit bitch." he said walking closer to me.

"We are coming in NOW!"I head Hakim shout.

"Watch Me!"I said while smirking at him and I shots went off.

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