All That Remained

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It took me nearly a month to get Jerry's up and running. I wanted it to be a diner, not just a coffee shop . It would be a symbol of what Jerry and I cherished in our relationship. Layne helped a little but I insisted on doing most of the work myself.

The relaunch day was going to be busy as hell, but I was excited, and I was ready. Layne took Eddie to school and agreed to meet me at Jerry's later that day. His mother would be picking Eddie up at school so we could launch in the afternoon and celebrate at night.

"Have a good day at school," I said as I kissed Eddie goodbye.

"Kick ass today Mommy!" he yelled as he left to go to the garage.

Layne laughed a little and abruptly stopped when he saw my face.

"I promise I'll talk to him about that."

"You better," I shook my head. "Otherwise I'm going to be the one taking him to school after today."

"Deal," Layne said, kissing my forehead. "See ya later. Don't panic, okay? It's gonna be great day."

"I won't. I'm excited."

Layne winked at me. "Love you."

"Love you too."

Looking at all the pictures I had on the wall, I felt an extra boost of excitement. They were pictures of me, Jerry, Layne, Mike, Sean, and Eddie. Some of the pictures were older, from when Jerry and I first met. Jerry's Diner turned into a time capsule for all of us, and would only contain the good memories.

"Hey Olivia!" I heard from behind.

Mike, Sean, Layne, and Dave entered the restaurant.

"Hey guys," I said, hugging each of them.

"Place looks great," Sean said, looking around.

"Are you guys excited to play?"

"Fuck yeah!" Dave exclaimed.

Hours later there were people lined up outside, waiting to get in. It felt so empowering to be the owner, to be the boss. After years of watching failed management under a boss who was actually the problem, it was refreshing to be able to make all the choices.

I greeted everyone at the door, they were all Alice in Chains fans who had been waiting years to hear the band again, even without all the original members. They took the stage when we packed the building as much as we could. They sounded great, but it was so surreal. During the intermission, I felt arms around my back and shoulder. It was Layne.

I couldn't ask for a better person in my life to get me through everything, than Layne Staley, and it's not to say that Mike and Sean weren't pivotal too, many times. They were. Layne opened up his home and heart to Eddie and me. We grew to go beyond friendship in the years we both raised the baby.

"How ya doin'?" Layne asked.


"Well there aren't any more people coming in any time soon and I think everything is covered for a bit. How about we go into the back room and have something to eat?"

"Umm.." I stuttered.

Layne pulled me by the arm anyway and we made our way to the back, private room of the restaurant. There was a candlelit dinner waiting for us.


"Have a seat, beautiful."

I sat down slowly and Layne sat across from me. There were plates of steak in front of us. I was starving and apparently not taking in any of his cues. Before I could grab my fork, Layne put his hand on my arm.

"Wait," he smiled. "I uh...I have something to say."


"Liv I'm so fuckin' proud of you right now. You're killing it. This place looks great, and I'm not surprised at all. For years you put your dreams on the back burner while taking hit after hit. You're amazing."

"Thank you, Layne."

"I've always cared about you, Olivia, and I've loved you...and Eddie for all these years now. I can't wait to see where this place will go...and you will go. I know you've been thinking about leaving to find your own place..."

I smiled. "I really want to...ya know, get out of your hair."

"I don't want you to leave," he smiled and pouted at the same time. "I want you to stay with me..."

"Oh Layne..."

"Forever..." he said, bringing out a blue jewelry box and opened it, exposing the ring, "because I love you. Will you marry me?"

"Oh shit..." I sighed, looking down. I was completely clueless.

"Fuck," he closed the box. "I'm sorry. This was a bad idea..."

"Layne wait," I said, grabbing his open hand. "I love you too...and I want to marry you."

Layne took a breath of relief and opened the box once again and smiled. He put the ring on my finger.

"It's beautiful," I said as he came over to my side.

"Just like you," he said, embracing me tight.

Layne and I ate and talked and my brain was in a million other places. When we finished, we walked back out to the main dining room of the restaurant, holding hands. The sound of cheering greeted us.

"Wow...there are a lot of people in here," I mumbled, not expecting anyone to hear me.

Layne whispered into my ear. "And they're all here to support you through all of this...just like me."

All that remained from my love with Jerry was a ring and a letter, pictures, and a baby boy. Only the good remained and amounted to everything I'd ever dreamed of. I knew I was going to mourn Jerry for the rest of the my life, but it relieved me knowing we were both in peace. 

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